Will The Money Really Follow, If You Do What You Love?

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    April 9, 2015
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When it comes to starting a business, does it really make money if you do what you love? The saying “Do what you love, and the money will follow” has become a small-business cliché. Meanwhile it does inspire thousands of people to leave their jobs and to start a business based on what they love to do. But is this really true? How does it doing what you love, really guarantee you success?

First of all, doing what you love to do does help your chances of success. Because once you start a business that you really enjoy and are passionate about. People will start believe in you, like your customers. They can tell you love what you do. When you show your joy in your job, customers will feel good about it and will support you too. Everyone else will get inspired by your passion, people like bloggers and reporters everyone. They are the ones who you will spread your passion around the world.

When you do something you love, it will help you maintain your energy level. You will have energy all the time even if it’s 3 a.m. it makes you work 24/7 to get your business of the ground.

But however, it also has the potential to hurt your chances for success (doing what you love). But how? There’s a big reason why your chances for success could fail, it could be because of neglecting the business side of your startup. This happens because you may get too excited doing what you love. It’s really important to do everything right at the right time. Ofcourse things will go wrong every now and than, but starting a business will have to be treat like a business as well.

Beside this, doing what you love can also blind you from the critics and opinions of people outside your business. Not opening your eyes to what happens in your business can stop your business from being productive. So do not ignore criticism from friends, family and prospective customers.

If doing what you love, is not the answer to this? Than what is it? Let’s just say,, when you start a business, it must start with basic and that’s to love what you are going to do.

If you once start to do what you love to do. You have to know what it takes in order to make it succeed. It means you have to start learning every aspect of entrepreneurship. From bookkeeping, making cold calls, everything.

If you want your business to succeed, you can’t just do what you love. You have to do the hard, dirty grunt work that makes that dream a viable business. And you’ve got to learn to love it because only then will you have the stamina to stick with it as long as you’ll need to succeed.

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One thought on “Will The Money Really Follow, If You Do What You Love?

  1. Reblogged this on Halve Verden and commented:
    So true! The dirty, hard work is there and has to be done. As an entrepreneur you are mostly alone, hence the dirty, hard work has to be done by you!

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