Why You Should Keep Learning Everyday

  • Published on:
    January 31, 2017
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Learning something new each day is easy. There are so many ways to do this before we get there here’s first reasons why you should keep learning. Consider what it would mean to you if you could achieve one or more of these benefits just because you made a choice to learn.

  1. Learners are real earners. People who continually learn (whether or not they have advanced degrees) will earn more money than those who rely on a narrow set of skills and experiences.
  2. It keeps your brain healthy. A 2010 study out of the University of California at Irvine revealed that learning keeps your brain functioning at a high level. Just like you need to exercise your body’s muscles and cardiovascular system, you need to exercise your brain to keep it in tip-top shape.
  3. Simply provides something to talk about. Who doesn’t want to be known for being that one interesting conversationalist? Someone who can talk about everything? You’ll have plenty of stuff to share with others.
  4. You discover new things. Learning about new information expands your mind. You become a more interesting and thoughtful person when you gain new knowledge.
  5. You might find your passion or a new passion. For example, maybe you’ve never heard of diving. But you read about it or saw it on television and planned a vacation to do it. You will experience new things just because you gained new knowledge.
  6. Learning is refreshing and healthy. Learning excites your mind when you take in new info. You will want to learn more and more. It’s a great feeling to feel curious about something new.
  7. Fights boredom. When you learn something new, it helps you avoid getting bored.  Your life will simply become more exciting to yourself and to others, by acquiring new information.
  8. Gives you something to look forward to. If you know that each day after work, you’re going to search the internet with your laptop, phone or iPad to research your currently favorite topic, you’ve got something to look forward to during your work day.
  9. You affect the lives of othersSomething you learn and share could have a thoughtful impact on another person. At the very least, you’ll activate someone’s curiosity to the extent that they dig more into a topic you’ve shared.
  10. Knowledge is power. When you have knowledge, you have the power to achieve many things. You gain something important. One of the most crucial reasons to learn something new daily is that you gain power when you do.
  11. Intellectually stimulated. Get more intellectual by just opening a book or watching an information channel on television or websites. Want to know more about starting a webshop? Or how to design clothes? Find information and indulge. Expose yourself to topics to ponder.
  12. More quality to your life. Learning provides you with an escape when you need it, knowledge when you seek it, and a great pastime.
  13. Because all the greats are doing it. Think of anyone, in any field, who is truly brilliant at what they do. They got where they are through constant self-improvement. Truly talented people are constantly learning and implementing new skills. It’s worth joining them in this passion!

There are so many more reasons! Leave a comment on how you try to learn every day something new!

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