Who Is Andrea Callanan And How Can She Help Me?

  • Published on:
    October 21, 2020
  • Reading time by:
    3 minutes

Andrea Callanan is one of most sought after coaches for voice mastery and self-mastery. In her chapter of the best-selling book ‘You are Meant for More’ Andrea tells readers about what being born in Wales was like and how she has always been driven by hwyl a Welsh word meaning a stirring feeling of emotional motivation and energy.

Having recently been accepted onto the prestigious Forbes council for leading coaches worldwide that ‘hwyl’ is ever prominent. Andrea is renowned for working with some sky scraping female business leaders, helping them to find their voice and soar far above the competition.

The reason why Andrea Callanan’s coaching focuses on the voice and mindset is because as a top tier business leader herself, she knows that these are the two levers to better business

Voice and Mindset mastery opens up more income, impact and influence with better visibility. The group coaching courses Andrea runs are known to effortlessly support the creation of 6 figure incomes with aligned opportunities and values. Whilst also respecting and preserving the balance of time away from business duties with families and relationships. 

It’s the alignment and balance that is often overlooked in the coaching world. The real world business experience alongside being a Mum of two sets Andrea outside of many coaches. As her guidance and support not only cuts through a lot of the noise out there, but through understanding it gives real clarity of direction and purpose for the ladies that she works with.

Andrea is a widely published thought leader featured in Huffington Post, Entrepreneur Magazine, Money Magazine and Business Insider. The chances are, you’ve probably shared an article she’s in without even realising, because the advice is full of honesty, fresh thinking and is always easy to implement.

Andrea is an award winning business-woman with Inspire Me a company founded on joy that helps the workforce thrive with top tier training from Senior Execs to call centre teams that reinvigorates a company to collectively outperform their own expectations and feel great along the way.

Andrea still resides in Wales in Great Britain however she often travels to work with prestigious clients in both the United States and in Australia.

Andrea’s roots are as a classical singer and musician by trade who sang in front of the British royal family, owned a record label, and performed at Glastonbury Festival. Throughout her journey she has lost and found her voice and sense of self in both life and business. She has helped thousands of high achieving females discover their voice, both physically and metaphorically, through her Unapologetic Self Mastery system.

Andrea’s purpose is to help people recognise that they have a choice, which is an ultimate driver because it’s our biggest expression of freedom. Andrea thrives knowing that she is making a difference.

It’s not easy to break out of patterns. Particularly when those patterns are your ‘norm’.

Andrea said she thoroughly enjoys watching clients realise that their perspective CAN shift, their choices CAN be different and they CAN break free from self-limiting beliefs and behaviours.

“It’s okay to want more, to do more, to be more. Remember if you play small, you stay small. What a waste of potential that would be? A life worth living is a life worth living well.” Andrea Callanan

Andrea transforms high achieving women’s lives by coaching them to :

  • Know their voice
  • Use their voice 
  • Speak their truth
  • Know their value
  • Rebuild self-belief 
  • Reinstate a new positive self-identity
  • Build their confidence and self esteem
  • Get out of their comfort zone
  • Find Balance and maintain balance
  • Create happy habits that make things happen and keep momentum
  • Learn to love laying down boundaries
  • Be unapologetic 
  • Stop people pleasing
  • Stop over delivering
  • Respond rather than react
  • Rediscover themselves
  • Rediscover their soul urge or soul purpose
  • Rediscover their future direction
  • Get excited about their career again
  • Get excited about their life again
  • Overcome life limiting beliefs
  • Stop self-sabotaging
  • Get unstuck 
  • Get out of your own way
  • Decode stress to find out what they
  • Step out of the shadows
  • Overcome fear of being visible
  • Overcome fear of being judged
  • Regulate emotions
  • To take the feeling of it’s my time or feeling of limitless potential and supercharge this with actionable steps, solid foundations to get traction that matters and tangible desired results
  • Take action
  • Get results
  • Future proofing
  • To feel fulfilled again

Would you like to have a complimentary call with Andrea to discuss what you need help with and to see if you would fit working together?

To contact Andrea visit: www.andreacallanan.com and click reach out to Andrea and fill out the short form on her website. (Waiting lists may apply)

To see what it’s like to work with Andrea watch the videos below. 

Video testimonials click here to watch :

If you’ve become a “negative stressy lady” then watch this review of Andrea Callanan’s course: https://www.facebook.com/191774564567016/videos/644071089493257

Are you at a point in your life where you are feeling a bit lost personally or professionally. Are things in the past holding you back then watch this review about Andrea Callanan’s course : https://www.facebook.com/191774564567016/videos/300475111075441

Do you want to find your voice and get rid of these life-limiting beliefs and the stories that you have been telling yourself? then watch this review about Andrea Callanan’s course: https://www.facebook.com/191774564567016/videos/488694172058287

Do you want to change the way you feel about yourself and your relationships personally and professionally? To become happier and healthier. Do you want to change your life? then watch this review about Andrea Callanan’s course: https://www.facebook.com/191774564567016/videos/208679233872602

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