What Successful Women Do Every Weekend

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    July 20, 2023
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    3 minutes
What Successful Women Do Every Weekend

It’s weekend, what are your favorite weekend activities? Do you see your friends? Do you take a trip? Do you soak up all the good weather? Weekends are a squandered resource, too often spent either doing more work or in a passive cycle of sleep, food, drink, and pointless activity that’s easy on the brain. But a good weekend should recharge your spirit and rejuvenate you for whatever the week ahead will bring.

Here’s what successful women do on their weekends that recharge them.

Have a plan on your agenda

Most people think weekends are just to relax, yes it is. But it’s important to have a plan, even for a weekend. You don’t need a minute-by-minute schedule, but you should have a loose agenda so you can make the most of your time and prioritize the things that mean the most to you.

Make time for important relationships

Spending time with people you love, is always time well spent. Whether it’s children, a spouse or partner, parents, friends, or pets, use part of the weekend to reconnect.

Take time to move your body

Exercise doesn’t just strengthen and relax your body but builds your mind as well. Of course, it’s not effective to exercise only on the weekends, but it’s nice to schedule a good workout or two when you’re not crunched to get to work.

Time to pursue your interests

You have your weekend to pursue your interests, so why do nothing or useless things? Successful women know that hobbies and other activities outside work are a potent force for happiness (and may lead to a great business idea).

Go someplace special or somewhere new

Most people visit the same places every time, which is fine. But why keep doing that? Go somewhere new, make new ‘special places’ if you have a chance to do that, why not? A mini-vacation is a great way to leave behind all your responsibilities and get into something new.

Unplug all electronics

We won’t die from turning off all of our screens, what would it matter if you miss one email, one social media notification? Nothing you will get to see it once you turn it on again. So look around yourself, there are things that are important in life and will remind you that you control your screens, not the other way around.

Connect with the arts

When was the last time you took in a concert, a play, a music festival, or a museum exhibition? The arts stimulate imagination and renew energy.

Engage in meditation

Most successful people meditate, this is a hard thing to do.. Because most people just give up if they realize it’s not working. Well, hard things should not be given up to, meditate until you know how and until it works for you too. Meditation can lower high blood pressure, decrease tension, and improve productivity, creativity, and well-being. Setting some time aside for meditation or prayer helps you be the best you can be for the week ahead.

Don’t plan too much of course

We don’t want to exhaust you of course, so chill and keep your commitments to a minimum, limit your chores, and banish busy work.

Read a different kind of book

There are so many different kinds of books, so there must be a good book for everyone.. No one can say ‘I don’t like reading’.

Learn something new

Learning not only gives you new knowledge but it can also improve your confidence. Find a subject you’re interested in, a skill you want to develop, or an area you want to explore more deeply. From there, you can sign up for a weekend class or online study, put together an informal study group, or make your own learning plan.

Review, reflect, renew

Take time to walk through the highs and lows of the past week, and reflect on your goals and areas where you’d like to improve.

Plan again

Take a few moments to plan and prepare for the upcoming week so you can hit Monday ready to go. Of course, you can’t do all of these every weekend, but find a few items that stick with you and give them a try. Time is a precious resource, and you’re sure to benefit from making good investments with your weekend time.

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One thought on “What Successful Women Do Every Weekend

  1. What is my favourite weekend activities? I do have lots !! Haha spending time with my bestfriends, going to simple short trip to new place that close to nature, enjoying some tea, coffee, ice cream or cake at exclusive outlets & last but not least, window shopping !!

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