The Story Of LashBox by D’ar & The Woman Behind The Brand

  • Published on:
    September 27, 2020
  • Reading time by:
    6 minutes

DeChelle Tisdale, a successful radio sales executive with a keen eye for building wealth was born in Louisville, Kentucky to a loving and supportive family. A personality too big to contain, after college she set her ambition on Atlanta where she rose to the ranks at the number one radio station in Atlanta, V-103. In a matter of 2 years, DeChelle went from morning show intern to an award-winning, accolade building sales star. As a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. she joined a sisterhood that would be there throughout her journey to become a grown woman, mother of 1 and business owner. Ms. Tisdale is no stranger to hard work. Building her sales portfolio, increased her desire to build her own. In 2002, DeChelle went back to Kentucky and became the first woman in the state of Kentucky to open an upscale weave shop. After a successful 4 years in the salon business, her passion for sales increased and a new market was in her view. Radio One in Philadelphia came calling and recruited her, which was an easy decision to transition to a top 10 market. DeChelle closed the shop and entered a new city for a new challenge!

This challenge would make her career path stronger and her rolodex even longer. After conquering Philly for several years, the talented sales executive was tapped to join iHeartMedia in Miami, Florida as a Multimarket Senior Account Executive. The choice was easy for her because growing in Kentucky & living in Philadelphia the snow is plentiful. She traded in her cold days in cold cities for hot Miami with oceanside views and VIP experience that far exceeds that of Kentucky, Philly and Atlanta.  It’s here in Miami, that DeChelle would build her brand again. 

Being in the entertainment business as a top sales executive put her in meetings with moguls daily, from the likes of Janet Jackson, Jay-Z, Beyoncé this life is fast and everchanging. She needed to be prepared to go from the board room to politicking at the hottest lounge, concert, or yacht. After a night of sales pitching and networking, she stumbled upon her next enterprise, LashBox by D’ar.

 “I grew tired of spending money on lashes that couldn’t transport my VIP look from the board room into the VIP room. I found that many women in fact were dealing with bulky, unrealistic lashes that were too overbearing to wear in a professional setting and I honed in on the niche’.” 

LashBox by D’ar caters to women on the go; traveling, increasing their net worth, and women who just want to feel beautiful from day into the night while increasing their wealth making deals and not only getting checks but writing them.

“The lashes I offer at LashBox by D’ar, are different in that they are not the $5 plastic lash that you get from the beauty supply store. They are not big, bulky, or unflattering, these lashes are 100% handmade, high-quality minks. I wanted to create a lash that wasn’t heavy and unflattering, I wanted to create a natural-looking lash for the VIP woman for her VIP lifestyle and I’ve done that with LashBox by D’ar.” 

Not only does DeChelle rub elbows with the hottest entertainers in the business, but she also gets their business. Using her own sales power, she pulls her own in the board room and the VIP room, signing deals to help businesses increase their brand. Not only does she increase the wealth of Moguls, she decided to become one.

Why did you decide to open a niche salon specializing in eyelashes? 

Divas are everywhere. We are business owners, executives, and hard-working women, not just working 9 to 5’s anymore but most often, all hours of the day. We are Diva’s who enjoy shopping, traveling, attending events, brunching with our girlfriends and we are mothers taking care of our families and handling our business without “batting an eye”. Most importantly, we are women who know the importance of self-care inside as well as out. We pride ourselves in feeling good and looking good. No matter what kind of stress we may be under, we refuse to show defeat so we’ll push on tired but looking like we don’t have a scratch on us. My lashes make women from all walks of life who may be tired, feel empowered. 

One thing I’ve noticed many “lashlovers” have in common is that after a long day, we would store our lashes on the counter or we don’t feel like putting them in that complicated case. As an avid lash wearer myself, I grew frustrated with losing and damaging my lashes. Because I didn’t have a safe way to preserve my lashes for extended wear, that ultimately cost me more money. That’s when I got the idea to create Lashbox By D’ar. 

Lashbox By D’ar is a beauty company created in Miami for Lash Lovers who desire quality cruelty-free natural looking mink lashes. Lashbox By D’ar are “VIP LASHES FOR A VIP GIRL”. The purpose behind the brand was inspired by the “Radio Girl” on the go, who has a social lifestyle and can transition from work to nightlife mink 

lashes in a matter of seconds and then relax in my own space and still feel sexy. Our quality custom packaging holds 5 different lash styles that can easily and securely be stored in your purse, luggage, or wherever you want your lashes to go. 

Tell us a little about yourself and your business. Why did you select it and how did you get started? 

I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, and graduated from Kentucky State University with a double degree in Accounting and Marketing. I am also a proud member of the sorority “Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated.” After graduating from KSU, I moved to Atlanta, seeking a career in accounting. I was working as a bookkeeper managing over 2.3 million dollars monthly before I stumbled into my love for radio. I was offered a non-paid intern position at the #1 radio station in Atlanta, while still working as a bookkeeper. I was faced with the most difficult decision of my life. Do I stay at the job that pays my bills, in the field that I went to school for, or do I pursue my newfound passion in uncharted territory? I had to make a huge decision and quickly! Leaning on faith, I resigned from my position and accepted a non-paid internship with that radio station and dipped into my savings account to pay my bills. After interning diligently for 3 months, I was offered a sales position with full benefits. Since then, I have worked in Atlanta, Kentucky, Philadelphia, and Miami as a Senior Account Executive for some of the top broadcasting companies in the country. 

Working in radio requires me to be at events, movie premiers, concerts and conducting meetings with top executives of Fortune 500 companies. As an avid lash lover, I wanted to maintain my professional look by wearing less dramatic lashes to 

work but I do love a dramatic sexy look for nightlife and weekends. I grew frustrated with purchasing drug store beauty supply lashes that were poor in quality or losing lashes because the packaging wasn’t convenient enough for me to store the lashes back in after usage. This gave me the idea to create LashBox By D’ar. 

What does it take for someone to get started with their own side hustle in your line of work? How does someone start their own business like yours? 

Research Research Research! It is imperative that whatever field you choose to pursue, you must put in the time to research your products. For example, prior to launching my business I personally tested, reviewed lashes from a number of vendors while inspecting each lash with top industry experts. It’s imperative to ensure your product is the best product on the market. Let putting your name on a product that you trust and believe in, be the driving force to getting started. 

Ask yourself the question, “Why would a consumer want to order my product over another business? You must have a quality product. After finalizing your product, apply for your EIN number, establish your business in your state, and trademark the name. Next, it’s just a matter of following the blueprint…order the product, build your website, postal delivery, establish business bank accounts, and create social media accounts for the brand. The packaging is also very very important. When creating your brand make sure to use distinctive high-quality packaging that represents your brand and resonates with your target audience. 

Please tell us about the lashes that you offer. 

I offer handmade, high quality, cruelty-free mink lashes in 100% Mink, 6D/3D Faux Mink and 25MM Mink. My 100% high-quality Mink Lashes come in 5 different styles: The Glamorous Mink, The Divine Mink, The D’ar Mink, The Elegant Mink, and The Elite Mink. The LashBox Collection by D’ar also comes in 6D (for dramatic lash lovers) and 3D (for conservative lash lovers) with 5 different style lashes inside each box. 

My newest addition to the LashBox by D’ar family is “The Suitcase Collection” which is near and dear to my heart. “The Suitcase Collection” was inspired by my Aunt Toya who passed away from breast cancer and my mother Jackie, who is currently fighting cancer. Inside each Toya and Jackie Suitcase are 2 different pairs of 25MM high quality, handmade mink lashes, and LashBox By D’ar stainless steel tweezers. 

What inspired you to create Lashbox By D’ar? 

I have always been a go-getter and a risk-taker! I started taking care of myself. I changed my diet and began pampering myself more. I developed a love for wearing lashes. They make me feel empowered, enhancing my look. I feel lashes add a touch of personality to your style. Lashes just complete a look, whether it’s meetings in the boardroom or politicking at events. I was wearing lashes and complaining about them at the same time. “Why don’t the lashes last? Why do I keep losing them? Why is this band of the lashes so thick? Why are the prices of lashes going up, but the quality is the same?” I kept complaining to my friends. This line of questioning led to an epiphany. “Why not create the perfect high-quality lash in quality packaging that all lash lovers would want MYSELF?”.

I loved the idea of starting my own business, but I was afraid. I have to be honest, I didn’t make an immediate decision to start my business. I am a single mom with bills and worried “what if I invested my money and it doesn’t work?”. All of the doubts and fear settled in but just as I relied on my faith in the past, I trusted God’s plan yet again. I am also inspired by my son. I want him to see his mother as a business owner building to create the life we desire. By being an example for him, he will know that he can do anything he puts his heart into. I want him to see my failures. I want him to see me get back up after that failure and do it again even while afraid. I want him to see me work on my business even when I’m tired but mainly; I want him to know, I never gave up because it’s hard. My desire to win, to be successful is greater than my fear of failure. 

What did you want to be when you were younger? 

When I was 5 years old I wanted to be a city bus driver because I thought it would be cool to drive around the city picking people up and dropping them off. However, my mother told me to pick another profession because bus drivers don’t earn their weight in gold. 

What is the best part of your job? 

Empowering women to feel confident, strong and sexy by offering a high quality lash that will carry them from day to night no matter what the day brings is the best part of my job. Having my consumers feel confident that my product will work just as hard as they do is what drives me to focus on the quality of my product. 

One of the best feelings in the world for me is when conservative women who don’t normally wear lashes try LashBox Lashes by D’ar and they fall in love with the quality and ease of my products and become return consumers. They are officially a lash lover! Another great feeling is the positive feedback from the lash lovers. All those things are signs for me to keep going and that I am moving in the right direction. 

What is your favorite Lashbox By D’ar product and why? 

My favorite product is The Suitcase Collection because it was inspired by a cause. I created The Toya Suitcase in Pink to represent my support of Breast Cancer research and to honor my aunt Toya who passed away from breast cancer. A portion of the proceeds from “The Toya Suitcase” is donated to a breast cancer foundation in her name. I created The Jackie Suitcase to honor my mother who is currently fighting cancer. 

Busy startup entrepreneurs have lots of demands on their time and are often pulled in lots of different directions, do you have any tips for effective time management and what to focus on first? 

Being the mother of a 12-year-old son who is currently digital learning during the pandemic while I am also working from home as a Senior Account Executive, can be challenging. Add to that managing the day to day operations of “LashBox By D’ar”, it is certainly not ideal for those who are not organized. You need to be organized and have a healthy balance between work and home life while staying safe during this time. My advice is to balance your time and follow the SPPP formula. Strategize, Plan, Pivot, Period. Following those 4 steps, guarantees that you will see movement in the right direction.

I came up with that acronym while learning to balance my time and adjusting to the new norm. I follow a structured schedule, getting up early every morning, ensuring my son is online for school and then I am laser-focused on my full-time job. After my full-time position is done, I check homework, make dinner, and spend time enjoying my son. At night, I schedule social media posts, package products for shipping, research information, and check emails. Everything is balanced and balance is everything. 

How do you stay motivated? 

My son is my motivation. He sees how hard I work and he understands why I am working so hard. I have a strong faith in Jesus Christ and I lean on that. During my morning ritual, I encourage myself with prayer, I listen to gospel and r&b music to kick off my day, and of course, when dressing for work even from home, I put on my lashes from “Lashbox by D’ar”! I set my intentions and then move forward to conquer the goals I’ve created for the day. I give thanks for how far I have come and am thankful for the strength to continue this journey. I know He didn’t bring me this far to leave me. Morning rituals of positivity will set the tone for your day. 

Lastly, I can change so many lives by building my brand. I am creating jobs, creating wealth and I am helping to find a cure by donating proceeds from the sales of Lashbox by D’ar to breast cancer research. I am inspiring women to create their own business through hard work and dedication (while wearing their Lashbox by D’ar lashes) to build the lifestyle they want to live. That keeps me motivated, that and being the first multi-millionaire in my family! 

Find out more about the lashes on

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