The Reasons We Don’t Quit The Job We’re Hating

  • Published on:
    June 4, 2021
  • Reading time by:
    5 minutes
The Reasons We Don't Quit The Job We're Hating

I still wonder why we don’t quit our jobs.. We keep telling everyone we don’t like our jobs but we don’t quit anyway. Do you recognize yourself or your friends or family in this situation? Share this article with them and let’s hope we quit the jobs we hate.

You know I still remember that one day when I quit my first job I can’t describe how much I loved that moment.

What a great feeling it was I remember now. My manager had left, a manager I used to like, the one I could work well with. So when she left I began to complain to everyone I knew, how much I hated my job. I wanted them to know what exactly I was hating about my job. I kept promising everyone that I would leave this job. But that didn’t happen and years passed by just like that. After years I finally had the courage to leave my job. I learned about the real reasons why we do not quit. And they have nothing to do with money.

We think we are not good enough

We all deserve a job that makes us happy right? Yes! But do we actually go for the job that makes us happy? I don’t know about that. So many of us think that we are not good enough to get our dream job. Or maybe not even working for someone else we think we won’t be good enough as an entrepreneur.. There are so many excuses we keep ourselves from getting what we want. We blame the job not working out solely on ourselves. We are not smart enough, fast enough, political enough; leaving no room to explore the possibility.
The best way to spin out of self-doubt turns out, is to recognize it when it comes up. A simple tool is to write down all of the self-blame and negative thoughts every morning for 30 days and tear down that paper right after.

We don’t trust life and uncertainty

Worst case scenario’s, don’t we all know them? We always plan our lives ahead from where we are right now. We just don’t want to risk anything. Most people I met who were doing what they love, trust at some point in their lives that it will work out. They let go of control and the opportunities that came up were better than expected. If you are afraid of the unknown you can start small, by doing things that scare you but only enough to go for it. Go on a walk with no destination, take a trip on your own, try stand-up comedy.

You don’t have to KNOW always, because another reason why we don’t stop is that we do not know what to do next

Listen to this, it’s perfectly fine to not know what you want to do next. It’s actually better if you do not know because you won’t have any expectations. And honestly we all know what makes us happy, but we just don’t say it out loud right? Because we just don’t know how that would work out. ‘to go after that one thing that makes us happy’. Just make some space for yourself, and stop kidding yourself by not going after what really makes you happy. This can be baby steps but just do whatever interests you. Simple things, like a photography class..

We don’t feel supported

Pay special attention to this one, because it is the trickiest of all. As humans, we often need accountability to reach our goal or do what we promise to do. If no one is holding us accountable to leave our job, no one is reminding us how wonderful we are and supporting us when we are afraid, it could get challenging to do it alone. I often found that seeking support, sometimes from people other than family and friends is helpful. Even working with a coach or counselor can make the world of a difference.

We just don’t know why we hate our job to start with

When we are unhappy we can act irrationally. We start looking at life in black and white. When I first wanted to quit my job my mum asked me why I couldn’t give an answer beyond the fact that I just didn’t like it. Think about what is it about your job you do not like and think what can you do today to make it better. Like maybe it’s the people you work at, maybe it’s the things you have to do at work. If after trying you are still feeling unfulfilled then definitely consider taking the leap.
Whatever you choose to do about that job you do not like remember this one thing: no one ever looked back and said I wish I stayed in this job I hated and caused me self-doubt. You will find another job or even make your own. It starts with trusting.

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