The problem with “When I get there”

  • Published on:
    June 24, 2019
  • Reading time by:
    6 minutes

Do you ever find yourself saying something similar to, “when I lose five pounds I will love my body” or “when I start making more money, I’ll put more effort into my appearance” or “when my spouse starts doing better, then I’ll do better.” (PS: Let us know your thoughts in the comments on Women On Topp!)

We sometimes fall into this mentality that we will be better or do better or present ourselves better when we get to point THERE or we prove ourselves. The problem with when I get there is that you NEVER get “there.” Not to be a bummer but tomorrow is always settled in tomorrow. There will always be just that…there. You are always in the present moment, so to focus on a point in the future is irrelevant. The only time to act is NOW. The only time to be great is NOW.

The only time to work on your relationships, profession, image, inner happiness, is NOW. It will never be tomorrow.  If you remain focused on…when I get more money I will do this or that.. or when I become really successful in my business I will start seeing my worth and acting like that bomb ass business woman I am, or when my partner starts doing this, I will start doing that.. or when I lose those last 5 pounds I will start to see myself with love then you will never see the changes you hope to see. None of this is a destination, it’s a journey. 


Spruce up your look. Make yourself presentable every day. You never know who you will meet or what kind of people you are attracting by the vibe you are sending out. Save that 20 bucks you will use for dinner out and buy a new outfit. 

Write your daily affirmations down and hang them somewhere where you will see them all the time. Recite them all day. Begin to believe it. 

Be the first to bring healthy change to your relationships. Don’t wait for others to make the first step. Do the things that make you scared and you we see that fear no longer will hold you prisoner. 

Create healthy habits to keep you focused and positive. 

Commit long term to your goals and only worry about today- this present moment. Don’t put off loving yourself and living your life until you have the perfect body, marriage, amount of money- live now and everything else will fall into place. Do not worry about next month or year. Happiness is always for today, no matter the circumstance. 

By taking it day by day and following through with action, gratitude, and patience you’ll find happiness in the now and the motivation to continue this lifestyle. You’ll live as though you ARE successful and you’ll find the confidence to make big moves and see your business reach higher levels of success.

You’ll live with love NOW in your relationships, not when you think the other person will be better. You’ll live IN your happiness. There is no “when I get there.” When I get there never comes. There is only the doing and gratitude of NOW and if you’re a WAHM like me, get yourself some extra coffee.  

Let us know your thoughts in the comments on Women On Topp! Make sure you’re subscribed to our emails to get the latest posts and updates from Women On Topp

Madalyn Ziongas

Madalyn Ziongas is a professional Life & Health Coach and Reiki Master Teacher. She specializes in energy healing and holistic health and is passionate about teaching women how to be the best version of themselves, both professionally and personally. Madalyn received a Bachelor’s degree in Biology, Environmental Science and Zoology from UNC and loves using these foundations in her current business. As a military wife, she has endured the obstacle of continuously starting over and the stress that comes with that lifestyle. This experience has helped give her the tools to aid other women in finding their purpose and live a life of empowerment. She is currently working on building the Shine On Community; a community dedicated to the health and empowerment of women worldwide. Madalyn believes in the healing power of nature and when she’s not out hiking with her husband, son, and two dogs, she can be found traveling the world, petting dogs, gardening, at the yoga studio, crafting, reading, and writing.

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