The Perspective Of An Inspiring Female Entrepreneur – Meet Paiy Hansra, Ex-model Turned Entrepreneur

  • Published on:
    November 9, 2020
  • Reading time by:
    5 minutes
Perspective of an inspiring female entrepreneur Meet Paiy Hansra, Ex-model turned Entrepreneur

In 2013, Paiy Co-founded an international luxury home interior company partnering with leading manufactures from Italy. As the CEO she quickly grew the company to a $70 million valuation in just under three years. Shortly after, she decided to exit the business and moved back home to Los Angeles, she is  currently the President of PermaTrends Inc. and works as an interior space and design consultant for celebrities and builds luxury homes. Her company manages and invests in multimillion-dollar real estate projects in Los Angeles. 

What makes you an exceptional leader in design and space planning?

What sets me apart is my unique methods of developing a space specific to each client’s needs. I spend a lot of my time shadowing my clients, most of whom are celebrities. I learn their routines, their likes, and dislikes, and am able to better understand how they utilize their home spaces, all while being mindful of their privacy. Then, I take all the data I’ve gathered, and work with my team or the designer of their choice to create a home that suits their needs and lifestyle. I am very meticulous in my design process. As a Developer, I  don’t build mega-mansion projects, my style is more modest and minimalistic living. I create luxury homes that are carefully thought out for celebrities, Fortune 500 executives, and CEOs alike. 

Where do you get your inspiration from daily?  

I gain much of my inspiration from the flora and fauna that define everything around us. This has allowed me to gain appreciation and respect for our environment. That is why the foundation of all my luxury projects begins with incorporating natural and environmentally conscious assets. I am mindful of how I use my creative power and aim to build homes that not only please clients but also give back to the Earth.

How do you stay motivated?

It is very easy to fall into the rabbit hole of procrastination. Especially when so many things are going on all around us. The world is constantly shifting and sometimes it is difficult to pull yourself back and focus on the task at hand. My biggest motivators are my two daughters. I want to show them, and so many other young women out there, that they are more than capable of succeeding in life, regardless of any setbacks they may face. That is all the nudge I need to get up and continue working. I allow myself to stay in the gloom for no more than 24 hours. This discipline of 24 hours to reset, is something that I have had since I was a teen and has proven to be useful.

What traits do you look for when building a team?

The most valuable traits anyone can have is a hunger for knowledge and a growth mindset. I always look for people who are eager to learn and even more eager to succeed. Additionally, I look for people who understand what being a team really means. You cannot build a business by yourself. You need a group of people who are equally as committed to your goal and want your success just as much, if not more than you do. This also shows that they know, your success is their success as well. 

Any advice for entrepreneurs on moving beyond a failure?

Fear can cripple us from living our true potential. If that energy from fear is channeled right, it can empower us.”

Paiy Hansra

The first thing to recover from a failure is to channel that energy of fear of failure and what if, into the potential. Every time I encounter a setback I give myself a 24-hour reboot to start all over again.  Staying focused on my big picture goals and trying different things to make it work. You are going to fail so many times before you taste success. Take J.K. Rowling for example. It took Rowling six years to write the first Harry Potter novel. It was rejected over a dozen times. However, despite all the setbacks she faced, Rowling kept improving her book and continued to send it to publishers. After relentless perseverance, she went from being a jobless, single mother, to establishing an empire worth  $9.1 billion. This is a fantastic example of how Failure is necessary for growth.

Share us some tips for women who are in doubt about leaving their secure job and starting their own business. 

Anything is possible as long as you are walking into a field for the right reasons. Passion and drive are the basis for success. There is no easy way up the ladder but at least you will be happy doing it. You have to take a leap of faith, but above all, make sure you are willing to do the work. I firmly believe that hard work is the key to a successful business. It makes up for all the lack of experience, knowledge, or education. When I first started in this field, I was young, raising two children, with no professional experience, skills, or knowledge. But I knew this was my calling and that I have what it takes to build something of myself. So, to my fellow women who doubt themselves, it may feel like a shot in the dark, but if you have the means and the will to chase your dreams, this is your sign to do it.

“Research shows that female entrepreneurs get significantly less exposure compared to their male counterparts. When I started my own business, I realized there is much truth to those statistics. 90% of my time I spent competing and working with male-dominated companies and clients who undermined my skills and decision-making capabilities. I had to work much harder to prove I was more than capable.”

Paiy Hansra

You can learn more about Paiy Hansra at

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