Are you a sideline watcher or in the game player kind of woman? If you have ever wonder how some women are able to accomplish all of their goals each year and you sit by confused on how you got side tracked then keep reading. Yes, even during these times there are some people who keep moving on and make the best out of these times. Simply, because they want to come out better and stronger than ever. How do some women manage to keep going during these COVID-19 (Coronavirus) times?
It’s incredibly inspiring but they’re not much different than you. They’ve simply discovered the art of strategizing their goals and organizing accordingly.
I’ve made it a mission to create a plan that works for me. I’ve studied women who are CEO’s, bloggers, mothers, influencers, leaders, hustlers and identified 1 key component they all share – goal setting with a road map.
Don’t just plan out your year… YOU MUST strategize, goal set, draw a road map and ask yourself “WHAT IS MY WHY?”
For example, why is creating a blog post around a certain topic important? Do you do it because you see other people talking about it? Or will it actually help you reach your target audience? Will it funnel potential customers to your email list? These are questions goal-driven women to ask themselves before writing it down in their planner. They write down relevant topics and create products relevant to their ideal clients.
If you skip this major step you’ll just end up busy and burned out. Remember that busyness is NOT an indication of success. You’ll find yourself doing tasks that don’t even align with your goals. Believe me, I’ve been there.
Here are some 7 tips I used to for direction:
- Think about your personal life and what you’re missing and need for fulfillment. Are you making necessary time for you or spend most of it for others? Why are you not making time for you? Don’t say, “I don’t have time” that’s just BS. You make time for your priorities.
- Think about your professional life or business. Are you working to live or live to work? What needs to change for balance? What can be done to change your biggest obstacle in creating financial freedom? Are you living with passion and purpose or going through the motions?
- Start with a Planner and begin your planning process with a positive focus. Write down 5 goals you want to accomplish. They can be a mixture of personal or professional. What’s your side hustle? Do you have goals in mind? Write down each goal with room for drawing a roadmap.
- Write down what you want to accomplish by the end of the year. Take each goal and place a quarterly accomplishment date beside it. Ex: If you want financial freedom in a year, how do you plan on accomplishing that? All of your goals could have 12-month dates or could have quarterly or monthly end dates. The idea is to accomplish goals in a time frame.
- Write out a roadmap. In order to reach a goal, you need to know how to get there. Ex: If your goal is to lose 30lbs in 6 months then you will need a roadmap to accomplish this. Roadmap example would be new morning routine, new eating habits, exercise plan, grocery shopping day, meal prep. What will it take to lose weight? If you don’t have a plan, you plan to fail. Each goal MUST have a roadmap on how you plan to accomplish that goal.
- Schedule weekly or regular activities that you will need to complete to move you towards your goals. For example, I’ve scheduled when I’m going to be publishing a blog post or video to my business. Although I haven’t yet determined exactly what each blog post is going to be about, I’ve given each date a general topic that I will be covering which feeds back to my ultimate goal. Use your planner to write down everything, errands, doctor appointments as well as goal setting. When you can look at the entire day and see what time frame you have to work in your will plan your day reasonably not to over load yourself and miss the mark. There are only so many hours in a day so use them wisely.
- Celebrate your successes. When you acknowledge a weekly, monthly, or quarterly goal accomplished it gives you empowerment to keep going for the next win. The end result is to have all of your goals completed by year end and ready to make new goals and roadmaps for the following year.
To help you get started during the covid-19 (coronavirus) times, I have created examples for the type of planning you will need to reach success.