Supporting Women & Seeing Women Rocking Their Empires

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    November 23, 2019
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They say you never stand taller than when you kneel to help a child.  Caroline leads a life of doing just this through her own business programs that are designed to aid and support children, women and their families. 

In Canada, Caroline studied Social and Cultural Anthropology and Education graduating with two Bachelor’s degrees and continued on to receive her Master’s degree in School and Applied Child Psychology.  Her extensive background, mixed with her huge heart-based passion, has propelled Caroline into her own success as an entrepreneur.  

Being a mother herself, Caroline understands the frustration and confusion that most parents may be faced with when it comes to the development and growth of their child.  From her years of teaching, she also understands how defeating it can be with limited time and resources provided within the schools to get to the root of what each child truly needs to be his/her most successful.  

Being able to relate to where these parents are coming from, and apply her own knowledge and unique practices, gives her a unique angle in providing families with an incredible amount of support and value when taking steps forward.  Caroline’s programs, meetings and assessment tools get to the core of what each child needs to be truly successful, happy, and finally start finding progress.  She assists in identifying the essential individualized needs of each child and advocate for each of her student’s needs and accommodations.  Her business is one that takes an immense amount of care and professionalism. With her dynamic background of experiences both in teaching and child psychology, Caroline is the woman to go to with any or all of your concerns.  You know you will leave her feeling relief, love, and support!

Expanding her business practices beyond the scope of children, Caroline now offers 1 on 1 sessions with women who want to take their life to the next level. Women often don’t prioritize their own well-being, leaving them feeling depleted, empty and filled with self-doubt.  There is an easier way to live!  Whether you feel like you are just not satisfied with how life is going and want to make subtle changes, or you want to overhaul everything, working with Caroline can help you achieve the life of your dreams.  

Below is a more in-depth interview we did with Caroline about her exceptional business and reasoning behind the start up!  You will fall in love with her ambition, personality, and advocacy for self-love as much as we did.

Q: Why did you decide to start your own psych practice?

A: “As a single mom, working for myself was the only option. So I knew early on that I would be in business for myself.  But I also knew that working for other people just didn’t feel right.  I never liked working on someone else’s schedule, with someone else’s clients, growing someone else’s business and making someone else rich!  I love having the freedom and flexibility to book my dream clients when I want and still manage to accomplish everything I need.  Working for myself also allows me to be present in my daughter’s life and enables me to look after me without feeling guilty (or asking permission) for taking the time to do so.”

Q: Have you always been entrepreneurial?

A: Yes!  I have always been a dreamer, with my head in the clouds.  I could never see the appeal of the corporate life or working a 9-5.  I have always loved being creative and seeing the potential and creative aspect in something.”

Q: What other practices do you engage in to look after your own well-being and happiness?

A: “Other than psychology, I am also a reiki master.  Reiki is something I practice daily.  Sometimes it is just a quick spot treatment, other times I do a longer more thorough session.  But I like to keep my body and mind balanced with the help of Reiki.  This also allows me to clear my mind and energy from the day, which allows to start fresh tomorrow.  It also allows me to experience better quality sleep and I require much less sleep! I like to keep my body active by pursuing feminine approaches to wellness.  I like all barre classes.  I grew up doing ballet and getting back to the barre just feels natural.  I tell myself that I don’t “work out” or go “to the gym.”  I just do activities that I love.  I also love hiking, pilates, yoga, meditation.  I live close to the rocky mountains, so getting out in nature makes me feel energized and naturally helps me be positive.”

Q: Are you making sacrifices being an entrepreneur?

A: “To say that I am making sacrifices would feel like I think I am missing out.  This is definitely not the case.  However, I have made many life changes to accommodate a growing business.  For example, I don’t really have “free time.” My time is always used doing something, usually business related.  I have always loved to read, but now I read business related books instead or romance or fiction. I haven’t watched TV in years ( I used to be the biggest Bachelor fan ever!). I’m never “chilling.” My day is planned out long before I get out of bed and I stick to the schedule and I follow a to-do list.  Seeing friends doesn’t happen as often as in the past.  If I get my nails or lashes done, it is scheduled well in advance, and I schedule clients in as needed.  Rarely does anything happen by accident.  My day usually starts at 6am and I fall into bed at 11pm or midnight.  There are days when I don’t feel like working until late into the evening, but then I remind myself that I work for me, and by working late I can get my nails done in the middle of the work day if I want or work from home in my pyjamas and not have to justify myself to anyone.”

Q: Tell us about your proudest achievement.

A: “As far as business goes, my proudest achievement was when I decided to get a new car.  I filled out the pre-approval and was approved right away.  It was the first time in my life that I got approved for a car on my own, no man (either dad or husband (now ex) to co- sign).  This made me realize that “OMG, I am in fact a business woman, rocking my empire and growing my finances.  On my own.”  It helped me see myself as a business woman with an actual business.  Making my own money and supporting myself and my daughter.  I cried every day for a week in gratitude to the universe.”

Q: What is your favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur?

A: “The freedom!  Living life on my own terms.  Not answering to anyone.  Being present and active in my daughter’s life, her school and her activities.  Also being there for my parents.”  

Q: What are your top 3-5 tips for happiness?

A: “1. Say YES!  For so long I took life much too seriously.  Things changed when I start saying YES to different experiences and opportunities.  I’m very much an introvert and very shy, so I have to push myself out of my comfort zone, which is so scary, but it is always worth it.

 2. Take care of your body and make healthy choices.  Most of the time.  I’m happiest when I know my body is healthy, but I allow myself indulgences.  For me, everything changed when I shifted my perspective to what’s healthy instead of wanting to look a certain way. 

3. Take some “me-time.”  Every day.  I work with women who give, give, give and then they end up depleted and empty.  Every day, take the time to do something you love.  It can be anything at all, as long as you love it!  Schedule it in and keep the appointment.  Make yourself a priority.  You can’t keep running on empty. For me, sometimes it is as simple as taking my dog for a walk or watching my daughter’s dance class.  Just being in the moment and knowing that there is no other place that I would rather be in that instant.”

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