Stop Mindless Thinking and Start Productively Doing! (8 Ways)

  • Photos by:
    Valencia Bogdanović
  • Published on:
    June 12, 2018
  • Reading time by:
    4 minutes

Valencia Bogdanović Instagram: @styleyourconfidence

Mindless Thinking and Start Productively Doing!

Mindless thinking equates to negativity, Mindful thinking equates to positivity and productivity. Focus your efforts on yourself, your progression, your development, and your happiness across all areas of your life.  To give you a boost to get that way inclined here are 8 ways to stop dreaming, stop settling and start doing! 

Get rid of the ‘Age’ Excuse and Drop the Ego

No matter how old you are there is always room for development, note that I did not use the word improvement, there isn’t anything wrong with who you are however we all have things we are good at and not so good at, development means we are making that area of our life stronger and work better for us. Let go of the age issue and ego and start embracing who you are so that you can start developing yourself and your dreams by moving forward – after all age is just a number. 

Get rid of the ‘Expiry Date’ 

You are not a carton of Milk so why do you think you have an expiry date on yourself or the things that you can do. People, especially women, think that it’s ‘too late’ to start doing something. When we think this we handicap ourselves and the potential for success. So if you think you are ‘too old’ or ‘too young’ or simply afraid that it’s too late to change or to do something, ask yourself why you think that, resolve that issue and actually plan on how you Can do it. What to change your career, relationships, plans, goals etc – You can!

No more excuses 

‘I can’t do this because….’ means you Choose not to do something. Can’t equals Won’t. There is a difference between excuses and reasons, excuses will only lead to pointless justification that will lead to unhappiness, instead you can try to understand where the excuse is coming from and deal with the underlying issue that is preventing you from moving forward. 

Don’t Hate your To-Do List 

To-Do Lists are a great way of keeping track of things you need to do and it can be used as a tool to measure productivity. However if you create an unrealistic list with no implementation strategy behind it you can often feel disheartened and negative. Which means that you won’t get things done which sabotages progress. Instead make sure you are being strategic and understand what your list is supposed to be achieving. 

Plan and Do

Strategically planning your time will allow you to execute things easier. In terms of productivity, your plan needs to include goals which are broken down into yearly, monthly, weekly and daily goals. The goals are then broken down into relevant tasks that need to be done either by you or others around you. 

Know Yourself, Be Yourself

Don’t try and be like anyone else, it’s ok to be inspired by someone. But be careful with how you handle the inspiration, if you are inspired by how hard someone works then work hard but don’t try and to become them. This will only stress you out and sabotage productivity. 

Know your reason Why

It sounds cliche, but in order to be productive you need to know why you are doing it in the first place. What is the bigger purpose and goal? This will help direct your thoughts and mindfulness in the right direction. 

Are your Thoughts Serving You?

Our minds are incredible, even to this day we are still discovering new things about the human mind and how it works. But one thing we do know is that it our thoughts are very powerful and influence our outcomes. So always be mindful about the thoughts that you are having and ask yourself, are they serving you? If they are not, then find out what is influencing the negative thoughts and resolve the issue. 

These 8 ways are just the beginning, you can use each of these to begin to practice mindful thinking and increase productivity if you are able to implement them. 

Practice makes perfect and you need to take it one day at a time. There will be times where it becomes especially challenging and you need to reach out for support if you are unable to resolve it yourself. 

This is not a one time wonder, this takes diligence and dedication. You need to commit if you want to succeed in anything that you do. If there is something that is preventing you from committing then you need to resolve these issues and keep moving forward. 

Never Give Up and Always Believe In Yourself!

Haseena Bheekhun

Haseena Bheekhun is a Coach, Mentor, and Consultant. The scope of expertise in many areas of lifestyle, career life and business spans as wide as the exposure and first-hand experience has enabled her to interpret and understand the do’s and don’ts. Packaging this in a way that caters to the individual and the extended professional environment i.e. small company, large company or organization individuals are able to improve personally and professionally. Haseena’s vision is to empower and enable others to utilize their full potential and achieve their goals, by educating them and the wider community on various issues relating to mindset. Haseena enjoys creative and educational pursuits in philosophy, psychology, technology, science, and art.

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