Starting A New Business In The Middle Of A Pandemic After Losing Her Home

  • Published on:
    July 13, 2021
  • Reading time by:
    4 minutes

City girl goes Country.  Growing up in a bigger town in Western Nebraska, Amanda Nigg always thought she would move to the big city.  After high school Amanda went to University of Wyoming where she graduated with a minor in Health Promotion then continued on the Graduate with degree in Radiation Therapy at Weber State University through their online program.  

Later Amanda’s adventures took her to South Dakota, where she worked at a cancer facility before deciding to step back. Amanda started to work for a supplemental insurance company while she decided what she wanted to do.  Little did Amanda know that she would be working for this company going on 10+ years. Amanda met her farming husband on a blind date. True Story! And got married the following year and now have 2 boys.

Recently they’ve had a lot of things challenging them.  Back in March 19th, 2020 Amanda lost her family home to a fire that took all of her materialistic belongings. Nothing was salvageable. To say it was one of the toughest things this she went through is an understatement. Then Covid hit! 

”Little did I know God was preparing me, taking my fitness journey online after our home burnt down was something I never thought I would have done.”

Then through various motivations Amanda decided to launch her fitness program “Farm Fit” in November 15th, 2020. Who would’ve thought she would start a new business in the middle of a pandemic after losing her home? Let’s hear more about her story in the interview below.

How did you get into the fitness industry?

I’ve always been in the fitness industry, and I knew that I needed help if I was going to make the impact I was looking to make as quickly and efficiently as possible. So I hired a mentor and we are on track to hit 250k my first full year in business. 

In your own words, what do you do?

You know, us farmers usually live about an hour from any gym, so, I create at-home programs that help my community lose fat, and build muscle while creating a healthy, sustainable, at-home lifestyle, which then allows them to live in their bodies with confidence for the rest of their life. 

What inspired you to start a fitness program?

In March 2020, my house (and everything in it) burned to the ground. Luckily, none of my family was injured in the fire, but losing everything, as you can guess, was extremely painful and challenged who I was. I realized I needed an outlet for the stress this event caused (on top of Covid), and because I had nothing to work with anymore, I had to get creative when it came to fitness.

And remember, I’m also a momma to 2 little dudes, so I also needed to balance time with them as well as my own mental and physical health.

Then FarmFit Training was born – I realized there was a massive gap in physical and mental health in the agricultural community with no gyms, and not a lot of time to get healthy. So I focused on creating a program that is tailored, and quick & effective so my tribe can get healthy, but also stay healthy with our very busy jobs as farmers.

What sets your fitness program apart from its competitors?

A lot of my competitors don’t truly understand how much time is consumed each day as a farmer. And as a farmer’s wife, I am also in the field working with him and understand the time constraints of planting and harvesting seasons (we’re in the field from sun up to sun down just to give you an idea). 

So, that leaves minimal time either 1, before the sun comes up or, 2, after the sun goes down following a 12 hour work day, and I think we can all agree no one really wants to drive an hour+ to the gym after exhausting days like that. That being said, I truly understand my tribe’s lifestyle because I live it every day, so I’ve created an effective system that works very well for busy men and women. 

How long did it take you to get to where you are now?

I dedicated my life to this – I signed my first 25 clients within 3 months of owning my business.

Who is your training ideal for?

I focus on (but not limited to) men and women in the Ag community who need quick and effective workouts, along with a nutrition system that is easy to implement into their everyday busy life.  

What can one expect from your program?

Ruthless Accountability (I’m a no BS coach), tailored programming, and one of the most of badass communities you’ve ever been apart of.  At Farm Fit we heavily focus on designing a lifestyle that folds seamlessly into your current life while education on the importance of Mental Health. 

What is your next big goal? How do you think you can achieve this one?

Right now we are perfecting my systems so that we can scale and make a bigger impact.  Keep a look out for a Nutrition app too.

What is the one advice that has impacted you the most?

Pushing past discomfort creates opportunities and a very fulfilled life, you just have to have courage to do it.

What has been your key (or keys) to success?

Finding yourself a coach or mentor that is where you want to be and learn from them.

What have been some of your failures, and what have you learned from them?

I’m really lucky to be on the beginning part of my journey and haven’t had those huge failures yet but looking forward to them.  I know I will learn a ton from them that will help me be a better business woman and coach. 

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