Revolutionizing the Way Photography is Done: A Single Mom’s Journey into Remote Photography

  • Published on:
    June 21, 2024
  • Reading time by:
    3 minutes

In the world of photography, Maria Cavali stands as a testament to the power of perseverance and creative passion. As a single mother and entrepreneur, Maria has defied odds and embraced challenges head-on, transforming her love for photography into a thriving career. Her journey reflects not only a commitment to capturing moments but also navigating personal and professional landscapes with unwavering determination. In this interview, Maria shares insights into how she has balanced motherhood and photography, her entrepreneurial journey amidst financial obstacles, and the profound influence of her experiences in Amsterdam on her artistic vision. Join us as we delve into Maria’s inspiring story of resilience and the pursuit of creative fulfillment against all odds.

Can you share more about your journey as a single mom and how it has shaped your personal and professional life?

Being a single mom has certainly shaped my personal and professional life significantly, and it’s all for the better. I was forced to earn more, and so I am doing that and learning to be an even better businesswoman than before. My rent grew from 300 to 1,500, which was quite a jump, but I managed. Wanting to spend more time with my daughter, I started a remote photography business. I serve women entrepreneurs with remote photography subscriptions, using their phone lens and accessing it remotely via a free shutter app. It’s fascinating, and I wouldn’t be as creative and driven if I had shared my expenses with someone during this period. Being a single mom was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, yet it built the new me that I truly love.

What were some of the biggest challenges you faced in the first five years of your photography career, and how did you overcome them?

Making it a full-time career, I would say. Taking beautiful pictures is not enough to make a living as a photographer. I had to learn everything myself step by step, which was an amazing journey. Photography has been my lifelong companion since I was 15 years old. It’s like a marriage – I’ve considered quitting many times, but I adapted and moved forward. Photography has changed with me and exposed different sides of itself during different periods of my life.

How do you balance the demands of being a mother and a professional photographer?

I am strict in managing my time. I practice breathing, sound, and movement exercises, and I switch off my phone when I am resting.

Can you tell us about a moment when your intuition led you to make a significant decision in your career?

I always wanted to be a photographer. I see “shots” even when I’m not photographing – colors, textures, patterns, compositions – it’s like it’s integrated into me. There’s nothing else in the world I want to do. COVID was a good test of second-guessing what else I could do, but there’s nothing on this earth I do with as much passion besides photography and motherhood, of course.

What advice would you give to women who feel their inner voice is weak or ignored?

It’s a choice. If it were easy, everyone would do it. I suggest looking at it from a different perspective. We have probably around 40 summers left to live (on average, if you’re my age now), and there’s no time to be unhappy.

How do you stay motivated and inspired in both your personal and professional life?

I love creating, and building a business is a creation for me. I’m inspired by new projects, free work, exhibitions, and meeting inspiring and powerful women globally. I’m inspired by building and seeing what I can achieve.

What role has your family played in your journey, and how did you navigate their expectations versus your own dreams?

My family was never supportive of my career, which was hard at first as I really needed that support. My mom still says I should get a “normal” job, though less so after I was interviewed on national TV and attended a networking meeting in NYC about exciting opportunities.

What do you hope your children learn from seeing you pursue your passions?

That you can have it all – look good, feel good, do what you love, and be soft and strong at the same time.

How has living in Amsterdam influenced your perspective and approach to your work and life?

I came to Amsterdam for my political science internship and met so many people who love what they do and do what they love. This inspired me to pursue my career as a photographer even more. Coming from Eastern Europe, where people typically have a “normal education” in fields like law, economy, or political science, and work an 8-5 job, Amsterdam was a revelation.

What are some of the most inspiring projects you have worked on, and why do they stand out?

Working on the “Women in Cannabis” book and participating in joint  expo in Madeira on July 11th. This project is changing the image of a woman in cannabis scene. The project was shown. in Hemp Museum Amsterdam and Barcelona as well. Another project is “Heterochromia – Children of Hags,” about people with two different colored eyes. I made a book about it, advocating diversity and sharing stories – some inspiring, some narrow-minded – as people shared how they were bullied because of their eye color.

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