Powerful Women Give It Away

  • Published on:
    December 29, 2017
  • Reading time by:
    4 minutes

Powerful Women Give It Away

Confident, successful women understand that sharing their strengths to help others only increases, rather than diminishes, their individual power. When ambitious women seek to empower girls everywhere, we create a world that treats us with dignity, affirms our value, and relies on our talents.

In the final days of 2017, I’d like to encourage us to remember our fellow sisters around the world who have not yet fulfilled their dreams. Will you use your voice to speak up for those who have been silenced? Will you share your power in order to strengthen the powerless?

Here are four ways you can give back before the year ends.

Help End Sex Trafficking

Human trafficking generates about $150 billion annually across the globe, but it isn’t simply an international issue. This past October, 84 children were rescued in the U.S. as part of Operation Cross Country XI, a three-day, nationwide effort that focused on underage human trafficking.

Dressember raises awareness of the issue with an annual December campaign. I’m participating this year with thousands of other women who commit to wearing a dress every day in December in an attempt to raise $2 million to help identify, rescue, and restore victims of sex trafficking. Find out more at dressember.org.

Help Educate Girls Everywhere 

The conflicts of war, prevalence of child marriage, and ongoing child labor continue to prevent young girls from receiving a primary education. Instead, vulnerable girls are susceptible to sexually transmitted diseases, early births, and violence against them. But investing in girls’ education strengthens families, communities, and economies.

The Malala Fund is working for a world where every girl can learn and lead without fear. Named for the brave Pakistani girl who was shot by the Taliban for her advocacy for girls’ education, this fund empowers girls to advocate for themselves, invests in their education, and amplifies their stories in their own words. Visit malala.org to learn more.

Help Increase Female Representation 

Women are underrepresented at all levels in the 500,000+ elected offices across the United States. Yet, as more women become elected officials, they also become role models to the next generation, help change the culture of women in politics, and amplify the need for gender parity in office.

That is why She Should Run has committed to getting at least 250,000 women to run for political office by 2030. The highly visible organization encourages supporters to personally ask a woman to run for office, to nominate herself to run, or to financially support a She Should Run Incubator member. Get involved at sheshouldrun.org.

Help Close the Wage Gap 

In the U.S., white women make 78 cents on each dollar that a male earns. Black women make 60 cents, while Hispanic women earn only 55 cents. Only 19% of women say they received a raise when they asked for it – compared to 33% of men. The 2016 World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report ranked the U.S 45th, behind four African countries and all major European cities.

Ladies Get Paid helps women advocate for themselves at work through community, education and advocacy. They also partner with companies to help create an inclusive and welcoming work culture. While membership is free, products are available to raise awareness and donations are always accepted to help with the worldwide programming. Get involved at ladiesgetpaid.com.

These are just four issues affecting women and girls around the world, but can you imagine the cultural significance if even one of these was radically changed? Comment below to let me know which of these concerns is most important to you, or suggest other organizations that are making a difference.

“We rise by lifting others.” —Robert G. Ingersoll

Nicole Devereaux

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