Online Diary Chronicles the Daily Adventures of Parenting Two Sweet and Spicy Kids – Lindsey Whiting-Schnepper

  • Published on:
    July 20, 2021
  • Reading time by:
    5 minutes
Online Diary Chronicles the Daily Adventures of Parenting Two Sweet and Spicy Kids - Lindsey Whiting-Schnepper

Revealing. Refreshing. Raw. is the newest voice in parenting, an online diary where Lindsey Whiting-Schnepper under the nom de plume “Elle DoubleU-Pepper” writes about the hardest career a woman can have: mommying. With unusual candor, a razor-sharp wit and an abiding love for her little ones, “Elle” shares with readers her daily life raising two precious kids. 

“It’s my inner dialogue (my mommy voice) unedited, unfiltered and undeniably relatable,” says Lindsey.  “It’s my real-life documentation of the coveted community called mommyhood. My scrapbook of stories.”

This just-launched blog includes stories by Lindsey aka “Elle DoubleU- Pepper” about how her life sometimes resembles the 80s comedy Adventures in Babysitting, mommying in the time of Final Four and going crib-less for the first time in seven-plus years. 

“I remember when I first got this crib. My older lovie was still in my belly and I was on the cusp of this journey,” she writes. “By the time he turned 2-years-old, I was sure I was one and done. But a year later, with a pap smear and a pep talk from my OBGYN, I got knocked up again. It’s was actually classier than that but it’s a story for another time. By year three, we used that crib for the second little redhead in my life, and I have to admit it reminded me not only of my kids’ youth but my own. Now, after seven-plus years, my house is crib-less. Which has taken on a different meaning for me. No, I don’t want more babies — I love my children beyond, but two sometimes feels like 10, even on the best days — and I feel like I’ve entered a new stage. A new milestone in mommyhood.”

Lindsey Whiting-Schnepper is a New York area mother living with two little redheads and her ginger-hued husband. Over a decade ago, Lindsey began writing her daily thoughts in the notes section of her phone whenever she had a moment to spare, but just recently she decided to jump into the social media pool. She worried less about getting her professional blow-dry wet— exposing her natural curls and more about sharing these memories and milestones with the world— she writes like she is wearing her heart on her sleeve, which steadily built a growing audience. Now, with, she is sharing her stories with a whole new audience.

“I think moms will appreciate my perspective because it’s real. I don’t sugarcoat the daily challenges we face raising children,” she says. “Every day is an adventure. Some days are better than others. Some days we feel like total failures others are epic. But each day belongs to us. This is my way of sharing those stories.”

Check out her 🌶 excerpts on Instagram @elledoubleupepper to become a follower and go to to become a reader

1. What inspired you to start Mommylogue?

Before I became a mommy, both times, I had the most sincere intentions to scrapbook the milestones in my children’s lives. Once I became a mommy— twice, and the kind of mommy I strive to be— got in my way of creating these fancy books. Luckily for me, I have always been someone who kept a physical and mental diary of my day or a milestone in my life, even more so when I first entered the coveted community “mommyhood”. When my children would fall asleep aka nap in the car in between the millions of things we would do in the first 12 hours of the day, I began skimming through the filtered versions of someone else’s “mommyhood” on social media and questioned my own unfiltered version. So I stopped scrolling and began journaling in the notes app of my phone… to myself. Even after my boys got old enough to stop falling asleep in the car, I am still writing to myself in the same notes section of my phone but in between all the millions of things, I’m doing 24 hours of the day. It went from a scrapbook to a diary. That snapshot of time is like a written photograph of a memory I never wanted to forget. It is my safe space, too. Where I could be the most authentic and honest. 

2. What is Mommylogue about?

Mommylogue is my inner dialogue (my mommy voice) unedited, unfiltered and undeniably relatable. It is my real-life documentation of the milestones of the coveted community called mommyhood from the pages of my diary. My scrapbook stories. Here are the pages ripped out for you to read… 

3. What else should we know about you? What sets you apart from the competition?

It seems like some mommies who either blog or vlog are trying hard to fit their lives into perfect little squares— but I’m raw and real and have no need to sugarcoat being a mommy because my real life is it’s my own unscripted reality show— I’m beyond blessed and incredibly thankful. It’s the most incredible and amazing title, but like anything in life that brings joy can also have growing pains. It’s important to embrace them both — they became your story and are worth the read— even if you are the only one reading and listening. My life tells its own story— and that’s imperfectly perfect to me. 

Here are some fun facts:

  • I have a dual masters degree in early childhood education and special education and an advanced certification in educational administration and leadership. 
  • I was raised by the most unbelievably supportive and loving parents — who inspire me to aspire to be just like them. They are my role models in life. 
  • I have naturally curly hair, which I spoil myself weekly to get professionally blow out. 
  • I love my library card almost as much as I love my credit card— almost and when both my boys turned one I got them their own— library cards. 
  • I’m five feet tall 
  • I believe our boys were created by the wicked combination of love, science and magic— or at least that’s what I tell them when they ask me where babies come from. 
  • I’m married to my high school sweetheart and best friend who is the OG redhead in our home and helped color my heart and our house with 50 shades of redheads on our sons— but I’m the secret spice in our ‘hoods special sauce. 

4. What has been the biggest challenge/ hurdle you have faced so far?

When I first decided to wear my heart on my sleeve and jump into the social media pool and get my professional blowout wet and expose my natural curls, I wasn’t ready just yet to let the world know “Elle DoubleU— Pepper” was me— Lindsey Whiting-Schnepper, so this nom de plume became a play on words of my real name until too many people realized it was me, fell in love my stories, and I decided to embrace the big reveal. Now it’s about growing my followers and my audience, so I can go from 2000 in 3 months to the “swipe up feature” on Instagram and get 10000 followers and beyond— most importantly readers, so my followers and readers have right at their fingertips. I have built a steady crew, but I want to connect with the next level and beyond. Either through partnerships or collaborations or other media platforms. I want to be a household name. Mommylogue is all our stories to some degree. 

5. Do you have any special advice for other ‘Mom blogger Diva’s’ out there?

There’s beauty in the truth. Writing about what you know and love should write itself. That is what makes it authentic. I am very candid about mommyhood. The ups and downs and everything else in between. I write as I speak and I learned quickly you can either cry over the spilled milk or laugh in the puddles— unless you have my naturally curly hair you get professionally blown out weekly— you grab your umbrella and hope for a rainbow.   

6. What’s your favorite social network – Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter? Why?

I love Instagram because it’s easier to connect with so many diverse people! It’s a platform for everyone from the famous to the housewife to the bossbabe side hustler. Each square on everyone’s profile is a memory and it’s like getting to look into someone else’s photo album of what they care about the most — either in an image or quote or memory. Instagram is a real global inclusive community. 

7. What has been your greatest accomplishment so far?

Even with all my professional successes in life — my children are my greatest accomplishments— they are my résumé, reflection, letters of recommendation, and my renaissance. 

8. What are you future goals?

I never thought my “diary” of mommylogue would become and would become a reality and in less than six months 2000 people want to read my unfiltered tales from life— but they do. I’m flattered and I’m honored by the response it has gotten. I would love to see where this will take me because it’s not just about the destination but the journey. I hope to connect in other media platforms, partnerships and collaborations, and beyond and continue to grow my audience and become a household name.  

9. What is the best advice you have ever received? 

The very fact you worry about being a good mom means you already are —

10. If you could go back by ten years, what would be some of the top tips you would give our audience?

Ten years ago I was my only  audience. I was not even a mommy yet, but I knew I would be one day I also knew if I was going to listen to everyone tell me something about everything I would have no room left to listen to myself. So be appreciative of the advice, but trust your own, too. Because in the end you felt their heartbeat from the inside out and that is more powerful than anything else. 

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