I am the CEO and Founder of Fifth & Cor, a Marketing and Innovation Company

  • Published on:
    May 10, 2022
  • Reading time by:
    3 minutes
I am the CEO and Founder of Fifth & Cor, a Marketing and Innovation Company womenontopp.com women on topp

My name is Robin Dimond, I am 39, and in the last year I opened a marketing and innovation company and have been blessed with tremendous growth. My roots are in South Florida, my heart is in the mountains, and my passion is worldwide.

Upon starting Fifth & Cor, I thought long and hard about having a meaning behind our name. In one of my favorite cities, Nashville, it came to me.

Fifth comes from our five senses, bringing back sensory marketing. Consumers want to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel the brand and our team strives to accomplish this across all of our strategies.

Cor is Latin for heart. In all of our efforts, we want to put the heart back into marketing. Decision is driven by emotion and so why wouldn’t brands want to bring the heart and feeling back into marketing?

What are some of your goals for Fifth & Cor?

I want Fifth & Cor to transform brands, communities, and to protect our clients in the crazy world of marketing. We believe that from private equity-owned companies to mom-and-pop shops, our marketing efforts are a key component that keeps their business afloat, and their staff employed. We love to see our clients’ excitement through the big and the small wins, and we celebrate with them each time.

I am also very involved with my local community by sitting on four school boards and participation in various charities near and dear to my heart. I believe in empowering the next generation of marketing leaders, and that starts in the classroom.

How do you take your personal passions and drive them into your professional life?

In my past life I’ve owned and managed restaurants. I’m a foodie to say the least. I love to create new recipes out of different ingredients for brunch, dinners, and even cocktails. Our food, beverage, & restaurant clients hold a special place in my heart.

I also am definitely one to DIY, and I don’t just mean the small stuff. I’ve owned and flipped several homes, starting when I was just 20 years old. I love to dive into my creative side and transform a space from scratch. This all being said, creativity is at my cor and I believe this directly feeds into my marketing career and hopefully into my team as well.

Do you have a favorite quote?

“The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.” Michelangelo

This is one of my favorite quotes that I live by personally and professionally. My team knows I am always up for a challenge and set my goals and standards very high. I think this is what makes me as ambitious as I am and as a result, Fifth & Cor was born.

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