How To Set Your Goals And Follow Through

  • Published on:
    January 2, 2022
  • Reading time by:
    5 minutes
How To Set Your Goals And Follow Through

They say the world, and life is full of endless or infinite possibilities. How do you feel about this thought? Personally, I completely resonate with it. Have you ever wondered how we make these possibilities our reality?


Do you see how with the freedom of our imagination, we can create endless thoughts about the life we want to live? The only problem with imagination is that we can get stuck in the fantasising and never actually make anything happen. We live in the thought – the vision, instead of actually taking action to create.

When you convert what you imagine into a vision, you give your Self a focus and when you’re laser-focused on something, you take steps to make it happen.

What does it mean to have vision?

When you look this up, the Macmillan Dictionary definition states, “to imagine that a particular thing is going to happen in the future.” However, to make something your reality, you have to take action towards making it happen. We can imagine all we want and it remains a fantasy until we do something about it.

Tony Robbins said, “Setting goals is the first step into turning the invisible into the visible.”

When we keep imagining the life we want to live and do nothing to make it happen, we’re actively making a choice to live against our authentic Self. We’re deceiving and self-sabotaging. We’re being untrue to the creative power within that drives us to these imaginations and life visions in the first place.

Taking action

In order to materialise, or realise these imaginations, we need to pick one that encompasses the core values and principles that are true to us, as individuals and start to set goals toward achieving it. Often, the vision can seem overwhelming, so by setting goals we break the vision down into phases that are more practical to achieve. Let’s be compassionate and practical – we have a lot going on right!

Celebrate the small steps

It’s important to also celebrate our small successes along the way too. As the goals become visible in our material world, we bring ourselves closer to our vision of the life we want and choose to live.

Setting goals

Try this out by setting your Self a small goal. It has to be something that is important to you and true to who you really are. Let’s take a few examples of something small and something big.

Small goals

For instance, if you want to exercise regularly and you currently avoid any type of physical exercise – start small.

Start by carving out two mornings or evenings a week to go for a 30-minute walk. Do this for three weeks and celebrate your win when you achieve it. Ensure you clear your schedule or work around it to make it happen. After three weeks, you can either increase the time to 45-minutes, or add in an extra day.

When you’ve worked through the procrastination and self-sabotage towards achieving your goals, you’ll start to build your confidence. Soon, it will become a part of your morning ritual, or post-work decompression time, then perhaps you can include or change to a home workout once a week and continue walking for your other two sessions.

Big goals

The second example I want to share could be that perhaps you want to take a course, however, you work full time and struggle with time. Break down your ultimate goal into smaller steps and spend an hour a day on your smaller steps. You’ll start to feel like you’re making progress and that’s a feeling that your brain and body likes. Write down what your ultimate goal is, for example: I want to complete a course in personal training or nutrition.

·       Spend an hour a day researching some courses online

·       Shortlist and re-read the course curriculum and select one

·       Ensure it’s practical for you to get to if it’s an in-person course e.g. close to home or work so you can get there easily

·       Understand the time you’ll need to allow and plan your personal, work and weekends around your course

·       Remember to give your Self down time, without getting lazy!

·       Enrol on the course or work out how you can cut back to save for it and enrol later

·       Inform your family and friends that you’ll be less available for X months whilst you work on your course (setting boundaries and communicating to the people that are important to you)

·       Attempt one lesson a day depending on how the course is structured

·       Celebrate when you achieve these steps along the way

When we break down our visions into goals, we make them practically achievable without causing overwhelm. What we do is reduce the gap between where we are today and where we want to be by creating the small steps we need to get there and as we celebrate along the way we keep ourselves motivated to continue on the journey without distractions.

Know what you need

Always remember to move with compassion and understanding. If you’ve had a long week at work (try to avoid using this too often where you end up in procrastination or defeat), then give your Self the evening off, or look after your Self in others ways so that you can start fresh the next day and continue on your path to achieving the smaller goals. Everything is about balance.

Divya Chandegra

Divya Chandegra is a global agency programme director turned life and wellness guide. Teaching clients how to resolve childhood conditioning and re-connect with their true Self to create the life they deserve to live through conscious living.

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