Growing Passion Leads to Launching Her Own Make Up Line

  • Photos by:
    Britnee Webb
  • Published on:
    October 30, 2018
  • Reading time by:
    4 minutes

Britnee Webb

Britnee Webb was born and raised in Salt Lake City, Utah. Her passion for beauty started from a very young age where she could learn beauty tricks from her grandmother who was an instructor at a cosmetology school. Britnee grew up playing with mannequins and watching the cosmo students regularly. Beauty is just in her blood. When she graduated high school she went directly into cosmetology school. 

Right now Britnee has been a licensed cosmetologist for 12 and a half years and still loves every second of her career. She has been a featured stylist on Utah Beauty Blog, performed a hair & makeup runway show for RAWSLC artists in 2014, a guest stylist at Sundance film festival, and a hair & makeup artist for Utah Fashion Week 2018. 

Britnee started Maix Pro Cosmetics due to her growing passion and portfolio with makeup. Maix Pro Cosmetics is a professional line of cosmetics, woman, and cosmetologist owned. In conjunction with a laboratory with over 40 years of experience, Maix Pro provides cruelty-free, paraben-free, gluten-free and vegan-friendly makeup. 

The cosmetic industry is growing at a rapid pace. The demand for all types of cosmetic products is ever increasing from varied sections of the population. The demand for premium cosmetics is expanding everywhere. Cosmetics business has many new and established competitors in any given market. New cosmetics products are launched regularly and a company has to combat them. So, a wisely crafted marketing strategy becomes an essential part of starting the business.

So why did Britnee start a makeup line if she could use other products for her clients? It wasn’t a difficult decision for Britnee, since she knew what her clients were looking for. Her clients were always asking her what were her favorite brands to buy and use for photo shoots. They would tell Britnee how they would love to learn makeup, but were so overwhelmed with big stores like Sephora and its many brand choices. That’s when Britnee decided to start her own line to offer to them, and to use for her portfolio work.

It’s not just easy to start something by yourself, would you say you have always been entrepreneurial?

I believe so. I very much have always believed that the best way to truly have financial freedom and security for yourself and your future is to have something that is your own, and not always working to make someone else rich. That is one thing I love so much about our industry, is that it’s so much about branding yourself. You are your brand. Your clients are your walking signature and commercial. The only person responsible for your success or failure is yourself.

How do you compete with so many other makeup brands? 

There are TONS of brands in the beauty industry but I don’t want to view it as a negative or a competition. Instead, I love that we as consumers have so many choices. I want to use it as inspiration. I’m always studying how other brands market themselves-from labeling, to email campaigns, to the hot new colors. There is always something new to learn to do or not to do from each other. Every person has different skin, different preferences. Of course, I love my products and think they are the best! But having options is not a negative to me. It’s a chance to learn how I can be a better brand myself! 

Any great stories from working with a client?

The greatest thing about our job-our industry-is when a client sits in your chair, and tells you how they are having the worst day. Whether its relationship, health problems, their kid, their job, anything. They vent. Sometimes they even cry. You hug, talk, do your magic, and by the time you are done, they are smiling, laughing, and they tell you how they felt so ugly, and now they love their new cut, or color, or makeup. It is one of the biggest joys in my life, and I am so grateful.

What are your goals currently? As in vision and mission?

I would love Maix to be a big, national brand. I envision a brick and mortar location someday. I know we can get there! I don’t just want this to be about me, but to be the family business that my kids can possibly inherit someday. For the name to be synonymous with beauty, confidence, quality, and joy for the consumers. 

How did you make sure anyone can find you as a makeup artist and your cosmetics? 

We are on all major social media platforms, and the main website is something I have built myself and worked very hard on, and regularly update and change to keep it beautiful and flowing. 

How do you get unstuck creatively?

I feel the entire universe is inspirational. I am always watching for signs and paying attention for omens that are calling out to me. I usually don’t get stuck for long. My mind is always running with ideas-sometimes too many! I would advise anyone to just always be open to inspiration everywhere. The universe is always talking to us.

Do you focus on a specific group of customers?

Not at all! That is one thing I love about the younger generations and the internet age, is makeup and hair are no longer just girly things. There are so many amazing creatives out there being expressive and their wonderful selves-I think it wouldn’t be smart to focus on one group. Makeup is for everyone. So is fabulous hair. I have clients of all ages, and makeup consumers from preteens to women in their 70’s. There is no age limit on creativity with color and self! 

Tell us about a time when a customer didn’t like your work, what did you do about it?

I never like to leave a customer dissatisfied. As long as a customer is honest, I’m more than happy to make it right and get the desired result or as close as possible depending on limitations with their current hair or skin-before they leave.

Tell us about your proudest achievement? 

Myself. I am my proudest achievement. That could sound conceited. But I will explain. I come from a background that wasn’t always roses. My parents had drug problems, in and out of rehab and jail, my mother is very toxic and emotionally abusive, and I had to cut her out of my life, and my father, who is my rock and amazing, has had his share of drugs and jail, and has been in prison for years. I had to be a “grown up” and take care of myself by toddler years. I was the parent most of the time. I had every excuse under the sun to have gone a different route and ended up addicted to drugs myself or many other bad scenarios. But instead I have an amazing husband, two beautiful sons-who I had a fair share of challenges getting to this earth-and a wonderful career. And my father is coming home very soon, and I couldn’t be happier. 

So I say that I am my proudest achievement. I shouldn’t be where I am, statistically at all. For any reason. But I did it, and have a beautiful life and can’t wait to see what is to come. 


Follow Britnee’s passion through IG:, @brittbwebbars,

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