Girlboss Productivity Hacks to Supercharge Your Morning

  • Published on:
    November 23, 2023
  • Reading time by:
    3 minutes
Girlboss Productivity Hacks to Supercharge Your Morning

While we all have days where everything flows well, there are always those days that begin with spilled coffee and a passive-aggressive email from a colleague.  However, no matter what kind of day you are having, your employer and your clients still expect your best. Read on Girlboss Productivity Hacks to Supercharge Your Morning.

The way to ensure your daily best is to rethink your morning habits.  Adopting a few simple habits and making some minor tweaks in your morning routine may be all it takes to make a stark difference in your day while boosting your focus and creativity.

Girlboss Productivity Hacks to Supercharge Your Morning


By journaling a list of the elements in your current morning routine you can decide which “steps” are derailing your morning and which “steps” you would like to add in.  Then, make a new list of what your ideal routine would look like, step by step.  By clearly writing out your ideal morning routine, it will help motivate you to make the routine a reality.  It will also help you to avoid the habits you have that leave you feeling worse, not better, which will lead to a more productive day ahead.

Set an Intention

This simple step might be the most important part of your morning routine. When you wake up, it is imperative to acknowledge that every day brings a new opportunity to be happy, learn something, accomplish a goal, and connect with someone. Take a moment to find a comfortable place to sit and let yourself be still for a few minutes to establish your specific intention for that day.  It could be something major, like finally completing a large project, or minor, like smiling at as many people as possible. Try keeping your mind as clear as possible and breathing deeply to calm your system as you set your intention for the day.

Drink Water

When you wake up, your body has not consumed anything for many hours.  Water is imperative to ensure that your body is functioning properly and starting off the day dehydrated will set you up to be dehydrated for the rest of the day. Keep a big glass of water by your bed and drink the whole thing as soon as you wake up. You will be amazed at how energized you feel almost immediately. Bonus points if you add lemon to your water for its alkalizing effects!

Make Your Bed

Making the bed every morning is a great productivity secret and possibly the easiest success habit to build into your morning routine.  By completing this one small task in the morning, it will encourage you to complete another productive task and another, etc., literally having the power to compound your productivity for the rest of the day.

Girlboss Productivity Hacks to Supercharge Your Morning

How do you set yourself up for success in the morning? Please share with us in the comments section below!

Christine Falco

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2 thoughts on “Girlboss Productivity Hacks to Supercharge Your Morning

  1. First make the bed. Every morning I wake up and write things that I am thankful for. I read a chapter in whatever book it is that I am reading. Then I make a list if I didnt the night before of all the things I have to get done the next day. 🙂

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