Get into the future; Write a letter to yourself.

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    September 22, 2015
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Solene Instagram @t_solene

Task: Get into the future; Write a letter to yourself.

This week’s guidelines are about planning how to win.

Ever wonder why people stay so motivated and work their plan. It’s because they are actually working on their plan, obsessively.

  1. Write down your goals.

Write down your goals, then repeat this. Preferably when you are making your daily planning. When you write down words, you repeat them in your head. This is an active way of reminding yourself daily what is important.

  1. Tackle your problems.

There is a quote on my front door, which I read every day before I walk out of my house. It says: “Think carefully. Are you concentrating on the problem or are you focusing on the solution?

Create a mindset of being solution-orientated. Keep yourself from being stuck on problems.

  1. Change your bad habits.

Are things going the way you want them to?

What do you need to let go of? What do you need to change? What do you need to do differently? Analyze your actions, monitor your habits. Search for the things you need to cut out.

  1. Preparation

This takes effort, lots of effort. Preparation is 90% of what your journey is about. Preparation is the process to reaching your goal. When you do not focus on your preparation, you will be nowhere close to where you want to get.

  1. Results: Get it done.

Start and Finish. It seems so easy right, but I can’t tell you how many people end up saying; I should have, I could have, I would have if, because of that. These are excuses. Winning is about getting results. It is about winning or going home. It’s about being a Robin or a Spencer. 

Task #2: Create a planner.

Make sure your goals are written down in this planner. Have a day planner. A week planner. A Month planner and a Year Planner. Plus a To-Do list and a Notes section. You can make it more personal by filling it with pictures. This is also a good place to put in some triggers. Of course, the planner itself is a trigger.

See you all next week: Weekly Inside Information #3

By: Lisa Charless

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