From Pinterest Inspiration To A BeautyPreneur

  • Photos by:
    Elleria Janås
  • Published on:
    November 26, 2018
  • Reading time by:
    5 minutes

Elleria Janås Founder & Owner of Ellie & Carl Skin Botanicals

Some entrepreneurs say they bat around ideas with a trusted friend or colleague. One thing they can all agree on: You often get your best ideas when you least expect it. It all started when Ellie got introduced to Pinterest a few years ago and was so impressed over the creativity collected in one place. What really caught her interest was posts about essential oils and their amazing properties they seemed to possess. She started to research about these magical drops and was fascinated by this new unexplored world she had entered.

For every part that she started to research a new puzzle turned up that needed to be analyzed, understood and put on the right place to fit the bigger picture.

Elleria Janås, the founder of the brand Ellie & Carl Skin Botanicals

Meet Elleria, The BeautyPreneur of the brand Ellie & Carl. Although she is a qualified nurse and has her Master Degree In Business Finance, Ellie still managed to find her passion for beauty and healing products.

All Ellie & Carl Skin Botanicals’ formulas are developed with a clear vision of how each one is beneficial for specific skincare issues and uses. Ellie & Carl Skin Botanicals uses natural and cold-pressed ingredients to get the maximum nutrients from their ingredients. Ellie & Carl Skin Botanicals formulates with exquisite botanicals with high levels of actives to deliver maximum results and a long-term relationship with their skin. Many of Ellie & Carl Skin Botanicals’ product formulas are inspired by family and friends with certain skin issues who were looking for skincare product dedicated to solving their needs.

Ellie & Carl Skin Botanicals do also get inspiration from exciting ingredients which they come across from around the world that have been used for centuries for their properties and that they want to introduce to their customer base.

Ellie & Carl Skin Botanicals has collections for different skin needs, ages, expectant mothers and babies. They produce products such as serums, face masks, body care and mental care with aroma blends to relax and energize the mind.

What led you to start a natural skincare brand?

It all began thanks to my curiosity of essential oils. I discovered a whole new world that excited me and with that, I developed a new-found respect for Mother Nature and all the treasures she provides us with. When researching essential oils, I got to know about their composition and different carrier oils and I was amazed by their properties. I felt the need to create and share my discoveries with my family and closest friends. One thing leads to another so I studied to become a Natural and Organic skincare formulator.

By the time I was in a phase of choosing the direction of the business my father-in-law got diagnosed with cancer.  The doctors told us he did not have much time left. This was a difficult time for our family, time stopped for us in a way, we truly lived day by day with so much sorrow and also a need of cherishing every moment we had together with my father-in-law. We were emotionally and physically exhausted.

He passed away 3 months after he was diagnosed. At the very same time I gave birth to our 4th child. During this period I lost my enthusiasm over the discoveries and joy I had felt in learning and creating formulas. I dealt with a lot of fear of losing my loved ones and to deal with all the emotions coming up after the death of my father-in-law and the birth of our son. It took me over a year to be able to focus on the beauty and joy in life and to let go of the fear of death and to be present with all the blessings I have in my life.

The motivation returned when my father came to visit us and he had a back pain. His back was stiff and he was in discomfort. I wanted to make something for him with all the healing and relaxing herbs and essential oils I had read about. When formulating the massage oil for him I used the best natural and cold pressed ingredients I could find. He loved the massage oil and felt how well his body reacted to it.

The need and the calling of doing more to help others increased. When I met with family and friends that told me about different skin needs or problems they had I went back home and created product after product to help them with the needs they had. It is a fantastic feeling to be able to help others. This was the start of Ellie & Carl Skin Botanicals. All our products have a story with a need and a person behind their existence.

What makes Ellie & Carl Skin Botanicals stand out from other natural skincare brands?

Ellie & Carl products are created with the goal to be the best oil-based serums available to make an impact. The way the product feels on the skin, the beautiful, relaxing and energizing aromas, and the effects on the skin. The products give an opportunity to take time to care about ourselves through natural, clean and powerful creations. The formulas we create are with exciting and powerful ingredients combined in a way to give the skin support from different angles and on different levels of the skin.

They are multi-functional by being rejuvenating, antioxidant-rich, moisturizing, softening, balancing and protecting from free radicals and environmental stressors. We use natural, cold-pressed organic ingredients to get the maximum nutrients from our ingredients. All ingredients used in the products play an active role, all with their own capabilities with a specific purpose. All ingredients used are explained and listed for the consumer to make the products content transparently for the customer. We are proud of every single ingredient we use and want to tell and show our customers about them.

Have you always been entrepreneurial?

In a way yes, I see solutions to things and I like to make changes and improvements. I haven’t started any business until my skincare brand but I have implemented the entrepreneurial side of me on the different jobs I’ve had throughout the years. I have always been eager to try new ideas, projects within existing or new areas. I believe the motor is my curiosity. I do find possibilities for new products and improvements of existing ones in daily life and creative visions. I can be very disciplined to reach my goals and I do not hesitate to walk that extra mile whenever needed.

What was it like when you had your first client?

As I mentioned before our first clients where family and friends. I did receive positive feedback from the results from the skin care products. I began to extend the customer base further and the business was born. To develop a wider product line of natural skin care products did take time. I researched for the best ingredients, cold pressed oils, extracts, essential oils, all active in their own way to work as a team. In the process, I received feedback, reworked the formulas and improved the products until both I and the customers were satisfied with the result. Our customer base has grown thanks to word of mouth.

What are your goals currently?

Our vision is to share the authenticity of Ellie & Carl Skin Botanicals. Our mission is to serve our customers with excellent skincare made of pure, powerful and nutrient-rich ingredients.

Our values are important to us and we care about our customers. We are transparent with our products; we want to help our customers by giving them knowledge so they can make the decisions that are right for them. We want our customers to feel good and inspire them to take care of themselves. We are the wellness beauty brand that wants to inspire others to feel self-love, self-acceptance, self-care with conscious choices. Ellie & Carl Skin Botanicals is to be the positive change in the beauty industry with a healthy philosophy around beauty and wellness.

How do you test out your products?

The testing starts with the ingredients, we have a checklist to go through when it comes to choosing the ingredients and our suppliers as the first step. During the final part of the development phase of a new product, we do test it through several steps.

All our products are approved and checked by a credited laboratory and their safety assessors. We do the challenge tests that are mandatory within EU and our products are approved according to the standards.

We do long-term stability tests with all our products and they are challenged in different conditions. We do performance and aroma tests of our products to evaluate their feeling and effect.

What sacrifices have you had to make as an entrepreneur to become the person you are now?

I don’t see my choices as sacrifices. I do need to make priorities and to be very disciplined to reach my goals. Being an entrepreneur does give me so much more than I could have expected. I have the freedom to set my own path and the direction of the business. I get opportunities to meet exciting and inspiring people.

I do gain knowledge and experience when managing the business and get creative within new fields.

The person I am today is enhanced by my entrepreneurial path. I appreciate things differently; I have a whole new respect for entrepreneurs and the ups and downs they have. I have an increased appreciation for products and services made by entrepreneurs created with passion to solve or improve something in people’s lives.

How would you describe your work style while running your business?

It is fast moving with many ideas and projects ongoing in parallel. There is the need to be organized, disciplined, and flexible, having an open and positive mindset to take on the challenges that come along the way. It can be very hectic to combine family with small children and being an entrepreneur which makes it crucial to really believe in and love what I do.

How do you want to improve yourselves in the next year?

I want to host more workshops to inform about natural and organic skincare and self-care to spread the awareness of our brand and our values. We aim to increase our communication with our clients about the benefits they gain from using our products.

Tell us about your proudest achievement?

The number one achievement is definitely our 4 children. I never believed parenting could be so rewarding and challenging at the same time. To see our children grow and help them to get ready for life and at the same time see my own transformation as a human thanks to motherhood.

The second achievement is my business Ellie & Carl, named after me, my husband and our children which I see as my fifth baby. So proud to see how it has grown from curiosity to a business with a full range of skincare that makes a difference in people’s lives.

I’m excited to be on this journey and to be able to share it with my family. I feel proud that my children have an interest in what I do and hope it encourages them to fulfill their own dreams one day. I love to involve them in my work whenever it is possible

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