Entrepreneurial Spirit of Christy Ann, the Bridal Makeup Artist

  • Photos by:
    Christy Ann
  • Published on:
    February 10, 2019
  • Reading time by:
    7 minutes

Everyone wants their big day to go smoothly and not too stressful. Flawless makeup, beautiful skin, captivating dress, and stunning hair. This article features the person who assists in making the bride feel like the most beautiful woman in the world on her big day! She’s responsible for all things “BEAUTY”! 

From the time Christy Ann was a young girl, she remember being mesmerized by her mother’s makeup. Christy Ann had dreams of attending beauty school, but instead, she went the university route as a means to appease her parents. While working towards her Bachelor’s Degree at Hofstra University, Christy Ann accepted a part-time position at Bloomingdale’s as a beauty advisor. Although she was nervous at first, she needed to devise a plan to help pay for her college and she figured why not spend time working around something she loves. 

Christy Ann realized quickly that she had a special gift for helping women to feel better about themselves with just a simple touch of her own makeup brush. Christy Ann truly enjoyed interacting with clients face-to-face, and helping these women to see the beauty in themselves–all while honing her craft and makeup skills. Christy Ann was hooked, this was her calling in life. 

‘’I continued on my path to fulfill my passion of working in the cosmetics industry as this was where I was destined to be.’’

Christy Ann always had a mission to become her own boss someday. She recalls times in the past when she has worked for other companies and thought to herself, “I can do better than this.” For Christy Ann, empowering women plays such a key role in what she want to do with her business and her brand. It was necessary for her to create an outlet where she could uplift other women while boosting their self-confidence. 

‘’My drive to build a brand based on a desirable service to women–that also serves to empower those same clients–has proven itself a successful and fulfilling business venture.’’

Tell us about your first entrepreneurial experience as a kid?

I’ve possessed an entrepreneurial spirit since I can remember. As a child, I’d bring trading cards to school and price them according to popularity. From my first $5 earned on Day 1, I’ve always known I have a special knack for sales.

How do you compete with so many other Cosmetic companies?

This industry is a highly competitive and dynamic market defined by social trends and demands of consumers. But, thanks to social media and its undeniable power, makeup artists now have a free platform to showcase their best work and advertise their services. For me, professionalism must coincide with talent. We strive to remain genuine while passionate about our craft. I’m still very much involved in the everyday ins and outs of my business and aim to provide my client base with a level of satisfaction far beyond their expectations.

Any great stories from working with a client?

Some of my fondest memories with Christy Ann Cosmetics has been working with clients in those precious bonding moments, sharing laughs and tears. My cosmetics career has awarded me the opportunity to meet some truly amazing women and get to know them on a more personal level. I’ve been grateful to have opportunities where I’ve been inspired by women around me or been able to inspire them.

I have my bad days just like anyone else, but being constantly surrounded by amazing women helps to enrich my soul and allows me see the positive in all things. There have been several occasions when clients and I have leaned on each other for laughs, smiles, and even a good girl cry. Women in this world are so much stronger when they take the time to uplift each other, and not break each other down like society sometimes pits us towards each other to do.  

What are your goals currently?

It is our mission to create a lasting impression one face at a time. Our ultimate goal is to create a warm and welcoming environment for our clients where they can look and feel their absolute best.

How did you make sure anyone can find you as a makeup artist?

Advertising your brand to your target audience is not only necessary, but crucial for the success of your business. The vast majority of our client base comes to us for bridal and special event services. Our central focus caters to the New York bridal market, with a smaller scale secondary focus on worldwide services. The Christy Ann Cosmetics brand is active on all major social media platforms, geared towards our bridal and special events client base. Understanding our market, our audience and their wants/desires is key to our success as a brand.

How do you get unstuck creatively?

The cosmetics industry is an ever-changing market. It’s in our best interest as a company to keep our fingers to the pulse on the latest trends so that we can show our clients we’re a progressive and versatile brand. When you stop learning you stop growing, and I strive to keep this in mind for myself as well as my team.

What is unique about your work with customers?

We stand out as unique not only for our extraordinary talents and services, but that we make an effort to make our clients just like they are a close friend. Brides/weddings fill up the vast majority of our services, and we value our ladies for trusting us to make them feel beautiful on one of the most important days of their lives. We show them our appreciation by giving them a memorable experience from start to finish.

As an entrepreneur you’ll always have to make some sacrifices.

As a business owner, mother, and wife it is a constant effort on my part to maintain an equal balance to both my business and my family. There have been times I’ve found it difficult to juggle myself and my duties as a successful business owner, nurturing mother, and wife. Finding the perfect harmony in all roles can be done, but I’ve learned that allowing to rely on others can help to better serve myself, my business , and my home life. Without the consistent love and support from my immediate family my daily goals would be unattainable, I’m beyond grateful to have a loving and supportive husband by my side. 

How would you describe your work style while running your business?

I find it most important to establish a fun yet professional atmosphere for your team. It’s essential for me to inspire my team and to always show them that their commitment to the team is appreciated, both with praise and monetarily speaking. I encourage them to keep an open line of communication and come to me with any questions so that I can offer them guidance. My team and I have a mutual respect for one another, and we know that both of our roles are vital to the success of Christy Ann Cosmetics.

Do you believe in destiny or do you think you can control your fate?

Destiny is something that I’ve always believed in. So many times throughout my life I’ve worked tirelessly to control a situation, but I’ve come to learn that when I surrender myself and allow situations to unfold as they should, destiny has always prevailed. In business, I’ve sometimes found myself overextending to maintain relationships that weren’t beneficial to me. As time progressed and I learned from my mistakes, I was rewarded with greater achievements once I gravitated towards like-minded individuals.

Tell us about your proudest achievement?

To date, my proudest achievement is continuing to build s successful company in a competitive market. I know that without a doubt, my years of hard work and persistence have led me to where I am today. I will continue to inspire and uplift other women while helping them to feel beautiful–from the inside out–because that is what I do best.

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