How to Convince Someone To Hire You in 60 Seconds or Less

  • Published on:
    March 14, 2023
  • Reading time by:
    3 minutes
How to Convince Someone To Hire You in 60 Seconds or Less

People who are looking for a job shudder at the thought of speaking about themselves professionally. Especially when the first impression is most important. Doesn’t matter where you’re at, at a networking event, or any other meeting. You always need to have a short prepared summary to define yourself professionally. This way you can show and present your value proposition. Pushing yourself to sell yourself is not easy. But it is necessary if you are looking for a job. So developing an elevator pitch will act as a conversation starter, while also conveying important professional details. Read on How to Convince Someone To Hire You in 60 Seconds or Less.

Here are 7 ways how to create a good knockout elevator pitch:

1. Start a conversation

There’s only a short amount of time you have to show yourself professionally. To start a simple conversation this may take some practice, but your pitch should provide enough information to garner interest and lead into a conversation. Don’t make just a personal sale out of your conversation.

2. Be clear and concise

A too-long elevator pitch is nothing more than a one-sided conversation, this means you won’t impress anyone. Elevator pitch is called that way for a reason, it must be brief and compelling. While you may be tooting your own horn, keep the listener in mind.

3. Highlight your accomplishments

Prepare for your elevator pitch by writing down all of your professional accomplishments. During your elevator pitch, you’ll want to focus on the actions of your accomplishments, rather than just stating where you’ve worked previously.

4. Avoid buzzwords and jargon

Do not use showy buzzwords or anything like that, it will certainly annoy your listener.

5. Stick with a theme

When preparing your elevator pitch, look through your accomplishments, and see if there’s a strong theme. Finding your professional theme will allow you to more effectively convey your message. For example, if your accomplishments involve a lot of problem-solving, focus on showcasing this skill.

6. Practice your elevator pitch will make it perfect

Your elevator pitch shouldn’t sound like you’re reading a script. Memorization is essential to nailing your pitch, but practice will make you sound effortlessly conversational. Prepare your pitch—or pitches—and practice them until they’re seamless.

7. Know how to follow up

Your elevator pitch should just be the beginning of a beneficial conversation. Your listener will likely have a few questions to ask you if you did your job right. Be sure you are able to continue the conversation and also be able to answer any questions thrown your way.

Creating a knockout elevator pitch involves concise and compelling storytelling, as well as practice. Solidify your pitch and take it for a test drive.

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