Lifestyle & Selfcare

  • How To Actually Enjoy Your Downtime women on topp
    by Kelly Nolan

    How To Actually Enjoy Your Downtime

    As a mom, business owner, and wife to a guy with a never-the-same ER schedule, I’ve objectively got a very full plate and manage ever-changing logistics. Not only are there business projects and tasks to do, but then there’s getting dinner on the table, taking my daughter to soccer practice, and making sure all of us have clean clothes. If I were t
  • 9 Qualities of an Empowered Woman women on Topp womenontopp
    by Mariam Simmons

    9 Qualities of an Empowered Woman

    For some women, feeling empowered is a struggle. For others, it can happen overnight. If you feel like you’re struggling, it’s okay. You can always take it one step at a time. Start by believing in yourself. You may not have all these qualities yet. But you can learn to apply them in your life. When in doubt, just remember that you are a woman. And
  • 8 Facts Every Ambitious Woman Needs To Know women on topp success planning
    by Lisa Dinh

    8 Facts Every Ambitious Woman Needs To Know

    Success is all about the number of hours you put in and the efficient planning you undergo. The definition of success varies and is an individualistic phenomenon. However, the only common thing that determines your chances of success is the smart execution of your plans. Every ambitious woman must realize the power of dreaming and back it up with c