Canna Bath – CBD Bath Wellness and Healthcare Products by Jessica Bernardo

  • Published on:
    April 26, 2021
  • Reading time by:
    5 minutes
Canna Bath - CBD Bath Wellness and Healthcare Products by Jessica Bernardo

CBD treatments have opened up a new dimension in wellness and healthcare, and Canna Bath Co. is one of the leaders in this movement. Canna Bath Co.’ CBD-infused products deliver the pain-relief effects of the cannabis plant, minus the psychoactive elements of HTC, and the line is now available at 100 outlets across the United States.

Canna Bath Co. strongly believes in holistic healing approaches and offering the benefits of cannabis in a form everyone can enjoy. Calming the body and eliminating stress can have numerous health benefits and what better way to relax than soaking in a mineral-rich CBD-infused bath! Canna Bath Co. infuses hemp-derived CBD to enhance the experience and benefits of naturally soothing products. 

Canna Bath Co is a woman-owned business and has formulated all products for sensitive skin. They decided in 2015 to take their passions for skin care and holistic wellness and combine them with their background in cultivating medical marijuana massage/aromatherapy to bring everyone another way to enjoy cannabis in their own home with the ultimate bath and body experience. 

All of the products are natural, perfume-free and handmade with care​ in Oakland, CA. Canna’s essential oils and CBD are therapeutic grades and the products are tested for quality and potency. Jessica Bernando is extremely passionate about giving everyone an opportunity to enjoy the healing benefits of cannabis and creating products that help people feel better… naturally! #plantsoverpills

“When I was in massage school, my focus was on helping people feel better without harsh pain medicine,” she says. “I was already playing around with bath products and supplements using lavender, rosemary, and other natural ingredients such as cannabis oil. This is the perfect combination of my two passions.” Jessica Bernardo, Founder & Owner Canna Bath Co.

Trained as a massage therapist, founder Jessica Bernardo, has always had an interest in health and natural remedies. Making her own CBD-infused bath products with natural holistic ingredients that offer pain relief and produce glowing skin was a logical step.

How did you start Canna Bath Co? Did you start by yourself?

I  started Canna Bath Co in my kitchen/bathtub.  I had the idea alone, and a background in massage/aroma therapy. I started heavily experimenting with essential oil blends, cannabinoids etc.  Once I knew I had a great product, I packaged it up and called in my youngest sister for help! She was definitely a part of the beginning process and building the business so thank you to her! The rest is history!

Who are your customers?

My Customer is you and I! I made this especially for moms who needed a break from the daily stresses and instead of a prescription pill or getting “High” they could easily absorb the benefits of cannabis in the most relaxing way possible. My Customer is a bath lover. She or He cares about the ingredients they put on their skin. They may be a cannabis lover already trying out topical products or someone who is new to cannabis and is not quite ready to fully use THC.  My products will not get you high but you will enjoy the benefits of relaxation and relief. I wanted to give everyone a “safe” way to enjoy the cannabis plant without the “stigma”

How did you come up with the idea of using CBD in bath products?

I was looking at a menu for a dispensary one evening and saw so many different types of products available.  I loved taking baths and already made my own natural bath salts and bath bombs, I started to research the benefits of cannabis being absorbed through the skin and decided to go for it!  I started making THC Products because CBD wasn’t even a “thing” yet… I waws making THC oil in my kitchen and taking it to the lab to get tested then selling my product in dispensaries.  When the regulation and recreational laws passing we transferred over to CBD so that we could reach a larger audience. 

How do you know whats the right ingredients? Share a few tips to our readers who are looking to start their own bath/beauty line.

For me finding the right ingredients is all about quality.  I believe less is more and I try to use the least amount of ingredients possible and keep everything as all natural as possible.  You will not find perfumes or sulfates in our products because I myself have sensitive skin and do not want to soak in unknown chemicals.  I also try to source from known trusted brands everywhere I can.  Any tips I can give are to stick to your brand message and stay clear about your vision and where you want to go.  When I rebranded Canna Bath Co. for CBD I had a major vison in mind to be on the shelves of big box stores for EVERYONE to be able to buy. 

As an entrepreneur what motivates and drives you?

What drives me is knowing I have something to share with the world. I have creatively expressed a vision I had to make something better or someone feel better. When I get a review or a letter saying how wonderful my products are and that they have helped someone feel better means the most.  

How do you make sure your clients are happy and satisfied?

I can only “try” my best to make people happy so I do that by creating a quality product that is consistent so that everytime they order they know what they are getting. I try to respond to all customer emails in a timely manner and make sure you are heard and taken care of. My customers are the most important part of this business so I treat them as so. ☺

What is your biggest business achievement to date? 

Happy to share that my biggest achievement besides starting the business itself is the collaboration with Ayesha Curry’s Brand Sweet July.  We are in the process as we speak creating a co brand for her physical store in Oakland and her online store.  We have created three different custom blended Epsom salt soaks and also our coconut body oil.  If I had to choose anyone to represent Canna Bath  it would be her and I believe her customer base and mine blend well. For her to recognize my brand as quality and to use my products is the best feeling EVER! So to go into business with her in UNBELIEVABLE!

Share with us some tips from past work experience that have helped you where you are right now?

The most useful job that I had that has helped me to this day was my 6 year career with Nordstrom.  They taught customer service as the backbone of business so I bring that with me everywhere.  I also managed my own department then so I have trained employees I have had to hire and fire people and I can say I understand the retail world from both sides.  Since I want my product to be in a big store like that knowing both sides helps for sure.  I know what it takes to sell something and the chain of distribution. 

What are your current areas of focus?

Currently I am focusing on advertising and marketing.  We are still facing many many issues when it comes to advertising on platforms like facebook and Instagram.  Ads are not allowed even thought my products are legal so its just that much more difficult to get my products in front of my customers.  I am also working on distribution into some bigger retailers. 

If you had just one piece of advice for someone just starting out what would it be?

Don’t Give Up! If you have a clear vision go for it.  This vision was so clear when it came to me it was almost like it was destined for me. I have went through so much adversity and have learned how to adjust and stick through.  What I have created is alive and to give up on It feels like I would be killing it so I owe it to the brand to keep going.  Whenever I feel as if this is the end and ts not working or I am having a negative/rough couple days, Boom something great happens and I am reminded of how far I have come and I am so happy that I took action and have not given up!

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