Breaking through the Glass Ceiling – Working towards your Promotion   

  • Published on:
    March 6, 2019
  • Reading time by:
    3 minutes

While women are indeed finally receiving a more acceptable standard of acknowledgment within the workplace, we still struggle to progress in our careers due to certain patriarchal practices present within most workplaces.

We all like to think that we will be perceived by our seniors in – whatever office we happen to work in – with an unbiased and honest gaze. The truth is, that women do indeed still go on to be underestimated by management groups at a rate that is nearly double that of men.

That being said, the situation is not hopeless, and we do indeed have a fantastic opportunity in the workplace to achieve our dream positions, so long as we work a little bit harder, and a little bit smarter.

Proving your Worth

Remember that whatever you produce within your position will always be reflected onto your boss. Their success and reputation will often balance on the efforts of their subordinates. For this reason, you need to acknowledge that your hard work is tied in with not only the greater machinations of your company, but with individual centres of leadership as well.

If you become pledged towards uplifting your boss’s position, then you can be assured that they will pull you up with them. This includes working efficiently and industriously, nipping problems in the bud as discreetly and quickly as possible, and always striving to identify and improve upon your identified lacking areas.

Improving Yourself

Remember that every challenge that you overcome in the workplace boosts your own personal acumen and capabilities. You should not just regard that promotion as the sole means for gauging success – it is every little small hill that you climb as well.

Breaking through barriers in the workplace is not just about the inequalities presented, it is about besting your inner doubts and weaknesses as well. For this reason, it is important that you try and take criticisms the best way possible, especially if they come from key members of a company that directly influence your likelihood of being pulled up in the ranks.

While it can be difficult to take criticism positively, and we do often get our feelings hurt, it is important to recognize that through such judgments, one can easily identify just what exactly is holding them back from being promoted.

Obviously identifying what the solution is to such issues is completely varied and individualized, but with a bit of calm introspection, followed by a lot of self-improvement, you can indeed reach a standard which your leaders will acknowledge as essential to the company, no matter what kind of gender climate exists within your organization.

Charlotte Roseanne

Charlotte Roseanne lives in South Africa, is mixed-race and of Indian and Portuguese descent.  She works in business development and client relationships at one of the largest audit and advisory consultancies in the world. Charlotte graduated Honors Cum Laude in Psychology and currently manages leadership development workshops for c-suite executives that culminate in actionable plans towards their personal strategy. She is passionate about sharing knowledge, training and setting up others for success. Charlotte speaks three languages including French. Her interests are reading novels, writing poetry, taking drama classes, interior decorating and creating mosaics. To relax, Charlotte spends time at boutique cafés and enjoys being in nature – picnics at the botanical gardens, bonfires by the lake, walks on the beach and litchi picking at the litchi orchard.

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