Boss Lady Nastassia Acevedo Moves To Lisbon, To Pursue Her Passion For Teaching

  • Photos by:
    Nastassia Acevedo
  • Published on:
    July 11, 2018
  • Reading time by:
    4 minutes

Nastassia Acevedo

Xpertly is a cohesive platform for all of your language needs.

We love languages. Languages bring people together and build bridges between cultures. Learning a language is like learning to see the world through different eyes.

Xpertly was created to add functionality to your daily life. Whether you finally want to speak English with confidence, or you need translation services that you can trust and afford or you simply need HELP with a huge presentation at work. Xpertly is here for your language essentials, by providing low rates, convenience, and real results.

Xpertly combines years of experienced teachers, curriculum and modern techniques to give students the optimized online experience. Xpertly zones into the accommodations of each student’s strengths/weaknesses and provide’s a practical plan that is formulated just for you.

Whether you are a business professional that jet sets around the world, a single parent with a demanding schedule or an individual in a foreign country that doesn’t have anyone to practice English with, Xpertly gives you the opportunity to have classes WHEREVER you are.

Start today by booking a free consultation with one of Xpertly Xperts.

Nastassia Acevedo the  C.E.O & Director AKA Boss Lady

As a native Latina from New York, Nastassia Acevedo moved to Lisbon, Portugal to follow her dreams and to teach, teaching has always been her true passion in life. For the past decade, Nastassia has dedicated her life to pedagogy.  She has obtained a Master’s Degree in education, completed various certifications and training seminars and has taught internationally.

‘’My signature method includes true progress, real results and most importantly you will be speaking English with confidence. I’m looking forward to hearing about your needs and helping you complete your goals.’’ Nastassia Acevedo

Throughout her educational journey, Nastassia has developed personalize techniques and methods to help all demographics to learn English through an optimized experience. Obtaining these methods and wanting to share her findings with students lead her to develop Xpertly.

‘’Being the Founder/CEO of Xpertly and being an online educator I have the opportunity to teach students from various corners of the world and help them achieve their goals. Having this educational website is an eminently, enthralling experience. As of today, I don’t feel like I’m actually working, but on the contrary, living my dream. Every day is completely different from the next. I get to teach students from Sweden, Beirut, India, Russia, Brazil, and the list goes on and on. Getting to interact with these amazing students fulfills my day with educational adventures where the results, are always happiness and success.’’

In her free time? Nastassia’s other passion in life is traveling and indulging in new cultures. Thus far, she has already visited over 15 countries and counting! 

‘’I love being active and jumping outside my comfort zone. Adventure and the unknown is utterly enticing in my personal life.’’

WOT: Tell us something about Xpertly, something would not be able to find online.

NA: Xpertly is a cohesive platform that helps students worldwide learn English but also offers other services such as translations and professional writing. Xpertly is a website that helps students achieve their goals but also gives opportunities for teachers as well. Xpertly was designed to enhance and evolve the way individuals learn and how teachers can teach. With a click of a button, you now have the ability to learn from a native English speaker. Xpertly is efficient and practical for all age demographics.

Something that you can’t find online is the trajectory of where; Xpertly will be in the following years. Xpertly will most certainly expand its network by adding more teachers and of course languages. Also, integrating 5g technology and features into the website that will make all services even faster especially the translations services. In due time, applications for all proficiency levels will be available. The future of Xpertly is going to be remarkable and it will revolutionize the way teaching is administered.

WOT: What inspired you to start Xpertly?

NA: From a student’s perspective, I wanted to develop a platform that will improve the way students learn. I want to help students from all over the world learn English without any limitations.  Breaking any barriers and immersing students to learn English with native English speakers. Throughout my experiences, I have developed personalize techniques and methods to help all demographics to learn English through an optimized experience. Obtaining these methods and wanting to share my findings with students lead me to develop Xpertly.

Being an educator and knowing that teaching is an underpaid and undervalued job is also why I wanted to help the community of teachers generate another stream of revenue. I want to be able to help teachers earn a second income without the stress of driving to another location after a long day of teaching, or working for another overbearing director or even be obligated to work for unrealistic hours per week. Xpertly allows teachers to work within their free time, set their own rules and rates and be able to make a lucrative second income in peace.

WOT: How did you get into teaching?

NA: I always knew that I wanted to help, whether it was helping people, animals, problems etc., I just always had this inclination from a young age, in which I knew that helping others would be my life’s purpose. Naturally, that manifested in the educational sector, first by teaching in primary schools and then eventually teaching English as a foreign language. Also, subconsciously my mother was an educator for 25 years so seeing her achieve her goals and being a pillar of my community also foreshadowed my love for teaching.

WOT: What must the person you are helping contribute?

NA: To truly see the progress of learning or perfecting a language, you need to be consistent. I tend to use the example of a fitness goal. Whatever your fitness goal might be, you have to stay committed to the process and in time you will see the results. You have to have the same mentality for English. In order to reach your English goals, you have to stay committed and with Xpertly’s techniques, you will finally be able to speak with confidence.

WOT: What motivates someone to learn English more efficiently?

NA: Personally speaking, what makes an individual learn English efficiently would be a combination of convenience, affordability, and comfort. We live in a world filled with instant gratification, where at your fingertips whatever your heart desires can be a reality in mere moments. Xpertly understands and embodies those elements to give students an optimized experience. Xpertly evolves from the outdated era of “only attending school at night or at the weekend due to a busy workload or only having lessons when you finally have a day off. Learning English with Xpertly you can have a lesson, on your lunch break, or if you are traveling for business in your hotel room when you have downtime or even before you go into work early in the morning. Xpertly works in terms of your schedule and not the other way around. Furthermore, its budget friendly and it’s utterly comfortable.

WOT: How can one find you as a teacher or your company Xpertly?

NA: You can find us on social media by the Instagram name: Xpertly_ or by visiting our website

WOT: What sacrifices have you had to make to start Xpertly?

NA: The sacrifices that I have made on this journey have been immense. Since I started Xpertly, I haven’t had a day off (truly). I work diligently every day to make the pivotal strides for my business. Early mornings, late nights and a significant change to the “bags under my eyes” are all factors that contribute to making Xpertly a success. The responsibility of every aspect and decision of the business is entirely up to me; it’s a continuous adventure. Striding for success means that you have to deviate from the norm, disconnect from anything that isn’t adding value to your life, and be proficient with your goals. At times, it can be an arduous road but you have to keep evolving and moving forward. Eventually, all the sacrifices turn into accomplishments.

WOT: What is your favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur?

NA: My favorite aspect of being an entrepreneur is enhancing the way education is perceived not only for students but also for teachers. Being at the forefront of e-learning and improving the way education is learned is fundamental to my role as Founder of Xpertly. Xpertly is intended to bridge the gap from the primitive era of learning in a classroom to now learning from the comfort of your own home. Knowing, that I’m making a substantial impact for future generations and making it accessible for individuals worldwide to learn English is truly the most gratifying facade of being an entrepreneur in this generation.

WOT: If you had one piece of advice to our readers to those just starting out as a business owner, what would it be?

NA: Everything you want is on the other side of fear. Jumping outside of your comfort zone will be the best decision you could ever make for yourself. Paving your own destiny will enrich you with a lifetime of happiness. Be resilient and audacious and never take no for an answer.

WOT: What is your life motto?

NA: My life motto is quite simple. Never give up, never stop believing and never stop dreaming.

WOT: Can you describe briefly the technique or methodology you use?

NA: The differentiation of Xpertly amongst other e-learning platforms is that Xpertly zones into your weaknesses and strengths. Whereas other online websites or even lessons in a school you have to follow a strict curriculum. Xpertly improves your weaknesses and also challenges your strengths by incorporating your interests. Each student gets their own optimized experience in regards to their accommodations.



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