Be Your Own Valentine

  • Published on:
    February 14, 2018
  • Reading time by:
    2 minutes

Be Your Own Valentine

With Valentines Day around the corner, it is easy to fall into a funk if you don’t

have a significant other. However, if we move our attention to our own

hearts and dating ourselves, we can celebrate.  It is just another day after all.

Make this the day a day to celebrate you. Have a significant other?

You can still make this a day to go inward and take care of your mind, body and soul.

Self-love and Self-care are the words of this day.

Here is how to make it yours.

  1. Give yourself flowers. When I buy myself flowers, it makes a huge difference in my mood. The simple act of having flowers by my bed makes such a difference in how I feel. Who said we need to be given flowers from others? We all deserve to give this to ourselves.
  1. Write yourself a love note. Pick up a pen and write down what you love about yourself. Don’t wait for someone else to tell you first. Write down at least 5 things you love about yourself. You can find them. And if you can’t, close your eyes and search deeper.
  1. What will give you joy today? A yoga class? Dancing? A cup of coffee in the peace and quiet? A chocolate truffle? Cuddling with your little one while watching a movie? Indulge and give your mind, body and soul what it is asking for.
  1. Sit with your eyes closed for 5 minutes breathing in and out. As you breathe in, think ‘love.’ As you breathe out, think ‘love.’  Imagine a ball of yellow light filling your heart with love. Now imagine that ball of light washing over your entire being and radiating with self-love.
  1. Love yourself unapologetically.

Now go on. Be your own valentine and celebrate YOU.

Simi Fromen

Simi Fromen is a Mom, holistic health coach, yoga teacher and self-love advocate. She believes vulnerability and sharing our stories helps us connect and feel less alone. She leads workshops for SoulCare, meditation, and writing, empowering others to find their voice.

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