How To Keep Your Creative Side Outside Your 9-5 Job

  • Published on:
    October 16, 2023
  • Reading time by:
    3 minutes
How To Keep Your Creative Side Outside Your 9-5 Job

In my eyes, humans are art. All humans hold beauty inside of them. We have the ability to create. I believe that every single human being has a creative side to them, regardless of what that creativity may be. Some may love to draw. Some may love to write. Some may love to sing. Some may love to play instruments. Some may love to dance. Some may love to conduct scientific experiments. Read on How To Keep Your Creative Side Outside Your 9-5 Job.

Some may want to create their own small business. Some may want to invent something. Whatever it may be, I hope that you don’t ignore it because you feel like you are too busy. I hope that you remain human even when you are living a structured life.

There are many people who have this misconception that if someone has a 9-5, they aren’t living life to their full potential. I have seen people constantly criticize people for working in the corporate field because they are acting like robots. Perhaps, many people do forget their humanity. However, there is nothing wrong with having a 9-5, if that is truly what that person wants to do. The only tragedy is when people completely destroy their humanity for a job that does not fulfill them. The only tragedy occurs when they stop doing what they love. The only tragedy that appears is when they stop being creative and they stop using who they are to their full potential. I hope that you set yourself free.   I challenge you to remember your creative side and utilize it.

How To Keep Your Creative Side Outside Your 9-5 Job: 

1. Write down what you are passionate about

Write down everything that you love to do. Write down what it is that you want to create. Be in touch with the things what make you feel human. Do you like to write? Then, write. Do you like to draw? Then, draw. Do you like to create? Then, create. Write down things that you want to accomplish. When you write them down, you will be more likely to follow through with them.

2. Allocate your time wisely

You will have plenty of time from the moment that you get out of work until you go to sleep, to allocate some time to creating whatever it is that you want to create. No one is ever too busy to do what they love, even if it is for just a few minutes a day. Make time.

3. Don’t lose sight of your vision

  Life can be overwhelming, especially if you have too many things going on. When you wake up, think of what makes your heart beat. Think of all of your passions. Think of your strengths. Remember the big picture. When you do this, it will be easier to focus on your goals.

4. Don’t forget to constantly learn about yourself

It is important to have conversations with yourself and analyze how you feel. You learn something new about yourself every single day. Learn to listen to what it is your heart wants and try to understand what is missing in your life. I believe that you can do anything that you put your mind to. Pay attention. This is how you will grow. This is how you will be able to create.

5. Dream, but also do

You don’t only dream when you are asleep. You can dream while you are awake. However, you need to know that dreaming is not enough. Don’t only dream. Turn your dreams into reality. Create.

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Margaritë Camaj

Margaritë has a very unique story. She has Albanian roots, so she identifies with the struggles of immigrants while she simultaneously is a Bronx, New York City native. She is an Author, publishing 14 works of literature. In addition to her multitalented creative side, she is also a Tri-State (NY, NJ, CT) Attorney. However, she often finds a way to tie the two together. Her love for writing knows no bounds.


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2 thoughts on “How To Keep Your Creative Side Outside Your 9-5 Job

  1. Thats a greathing to do mostly as a womam being married motheres on that competitive world we have to imposse ourselves…… This is a great reflexion for us in everday

    1. I absolutely love this article!! I have been so afraid that I don’t have the time to release my creative side because my job is mentally exhausting so by the time I get home, I don’t want to do anything. Now after reading this, I know now that no matter how tired I get, I have to make the time!!

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