5 Ways How to Stealthily Secure a New Job Interview

  • Published on:
    October 11, 2021
  • Reading time by:
    2 minutes

It happens a lot. A lot of us have been through this, trying to leave our current job for bigger and better opportunities. But did this work out well every time? Or are you trying to leave your current job right now at this moment? Well, then you have to walk a fine line. Unless you have a super open relationship with your boss. Otherwise, you will need to keep your search under wraps. Here are five ways how to stealthily secure a new job:

Do not show up to work in your interview clothes

You may not know this, but your coworkers really do notice small changes in presentation. If you always wear casual at your work they will definitely take note of your pencil skirt or blazer when you show up late from your let’s say what you made up… ‘dental appointment’. Will your coworkers ask you who your dentist is? Queen of England maybe? Make sure you change before you go back to your current work.

Turn off your LinkedIn notifications

Again you don’t know this but once you keep changing your skills on LinkedIn, trust me coworkers or even your boss will notice. Oh and do not write anywhere that you are looking for a new job when you have a job already, sounds obvious but it still happens. Someone who changes their LinkedIn profile is obviously applying for a new job.

Do not take your resume at work or print at work

We all print everything at work but don’t print your resume at work. Before you make it over to retrieve your file, someone finds your newly jargonized resume, and shouts “HEY, WHO PUT THE FANCY PAPER IN THE PRINTER? I JUST PRINTED A 20-PAGE DOC ON THE GOOD STUFF! OH WAIT GINA WHY IS YOUR RESUME IN HERE? WHY DO YOU THINK YOU MANAGE TWO PEOPLE? YOU’RE NOT A MANAGER, GINA.”
Best-case scenario: You race to the printer and snatch up your resume, which you clutch to your chest while walking back to your desk, making awkward eye contact with every person you pass. Nothing arouses suspicion quite like “Oh yeah, I’ve just got some… documents. Okay, see you later.”

Conduct all your correspondence via personal email

Scenario: You’re leading a meeting and have your computer hooked up to the projector. You get an email notification from a competing company with the subject line “Meeting with our HR.” Amateur move, Gina.
Similarly, don’t scour job boards on your work computer. Just wait until you get home, open a bottle of wine, turn on Netflix, and job search like a grown-ass woman.

Make your fake illnesses as vague as possible

So you get an email asking you to come in the next day for a job interview. Fantastic! Obviously, you call in sick/doctor appointment/personal emergency to your current job. But remember, you have to allow for the possibility of a second interview a few days later. Don’t stride in post-interview like you’re 100 percent healthy. Keep things very vague and reference follow-up appointments. Bonus points if your dudebro coworkers assume it’s a “lady problem” (their words) and leave you alone for a blessed week.

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