4 Reasons to Stop Caring About What Others Think

  • Published on:
    February 23, 2018
  • Reading time by:
    3 minutes
4 Reasons to Stop Caring About What Others Think. Why do we care what others think that it stops us from living the lives we want to live?

Why do we care what others think? So much so that it stops us from living the lives we want to live. We don’t speak our minds when we clearly have an opinion because we fear we will be judged. We don’t make that hasty decision that is probably really good for us because well what would our mother think? We don’t make the first move on that guy at the bar because well we don’t want to be labeled a whore. When will the madness ever end? Read on to find out 4 Reasons to Stop Caring About What Others Think.

“I don’t care what you think about me. I don’t think about you at all.”— Coco Chanel

The more time we spend worrying about what others think the more time we will spend imprisoned by their thoughts and not our own. What a strange thought. I mean this is our own LIFE to live, right?

A society of women so conditioned to seek approval from others

We have become a society of women so conditioned to seek approval from others that we have clearly lost sight of the knowledge that the only approval that really matters, is the approval that comes from within. You should reread that sentence again as it is that important! If we continue to change our views and curtail our thinking in order to eliminate the risk of being judged then we will never be happy, — because we will never be ourselves! In order to live our most authentic life, we need to stop worrying about what others think and spend more time validating ourselves. We need to stop the addiction to pleasing others and begin the process of becoming wholeheartedly ourselves.

We need to ask fewer questions that leave us wondering what others will think and more that are concerned with our own desires and values. Less of what will Sally think and more of how will this make me feel. Does this resonate with my deepest desires? Does it fill my soul?  We need to do more of the things that make us happy and less of what doesn’t.

4 Reasons to Stop Caring About What Others Think

Know your Self Worth

We are all equally worthy. We are born with self-worth. From the day we are born till the day we die we will be worthy and my friend, that worthiness will never change.  It will never change based on the opinion of someone else or better yet the opinions we hold of ourselves.  So know your worth and hold it close.

“You’re being judged no matter what so be who you want to be.” ~ Unknown

People will Always Judge

People will always find someone to judge. Someone to talk about. Someone else to blame. But our job is not to care about those who judge in haste our job is to live a life that is aligned with our deepest desires.

Thoughts Always Change

As human beings we are ever evolving.  Our thoughts, ideas and desires change every day. Therefore, the same happens for those that surround us. We cannot hold ourselves responsible for what we have thought and we never know how those thoughts may change in the future.

Opinions Aren’t Based on YOU

Our opinions are based on our own thoughts and associations, never that of someone else.  We like who we like because we share a common interest or feeling. On the other hand we dislike what we dislike because it reminds us of something from our past or a friend who had wronged us.  People will dislike or like us for reasons that have nothing to do with us. Accepting that is half the battle.

In the end we will only learn to let go of the opinions of others when we learn to trust ourselves. Do you trust yourself after reading 4 Reasons to Stop Caring About What Others Think?

Melissa Fino

Melissa Fino is a defiant high school dropout who went on to receive her Master’s of Social Work from the University of Southern California. Melissa applies her life experience with unexpected challenges and numerous insecurities to empower women to let go of the negative in their lives and embrace the positive. Currently, she is the CEO of LoveYourLife Community, a conscious life change coach for women, writer, blogger and speaker.

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