20 Signs You are Meant to Be an Entrepreneur

  • Published on:
    November 27, 2023
  • Reading time by:
    3 minutes
20 Signs You are Meant to Be an Entrepreneur

20 Signs You are Meant to Be an Entrepreneur. If you’re reading this, you’re probably contemplating starting that long-thought business of yours. Or you’ve already started one and just need the validation. The signs are everywhere. And not everyone can be self-employed. Being an entrepreneur is like having a superpower that others do not. So, if these signs jump out at you, it’s probably because you were born to be an entrepreneur. 

20 Signs You are Meant to Be an Entrepreneur

  1. You feel suffocated by the 9 to 5 lifestyle

The first of the 20 Signs You are Meant to Be an Entrepreneur. Those long repetitive hours just don’t cut it for you. It’s stifling and gives you anxiety, you’d more rather work from home or anywhere really, at your own pace and time. 

  1. You think your boss is inefficient 

You could be stuck at your desk with a trillion ideas on how to do a task efficiently and effectively, but your team and your boss stick to the same process. Relax, it’s just the entrepreneur in you. 

  1. You’re self-sufficient 

You are able to work alone with minimal (if any) supervision at all. You are an independent thinker and worker.

  1. You do things your own way

You don’t like being told what to do especially if the suggestion is more cumbersome than efficient. You have your own method and process and would very much like to do that. 

  1. You steer clear of office gossip

You’re so busy completing your tasks and moving over to the next than to even care for office gossip. It is beneath you. You are more interested in your next move than minding others’ businesses. 

  1. Your dream is bigger than what you are doing right now

You are filled with a sense of purpose that you are meant for something bigger. Your dreams scare you, not because they’re too big, but because you know that you can achieve them.

  1. You’re obsessed with self-growth

You’re obsessed with learning, new challenges and educating yourself further. You are subscribing to newsletters, reading books all the time, researching things for the fun of it and above all else, acquiring new skills. 

  1. You want to

You’re filled with the need to just do you. 

  1. You can handle risk

You are fearless and you know that risks are part of the game. 

  1. You are resilient 

You are malleable, you are able to bounce back after anything and can recover quickly. Most people might perceive you as the phoenix that rises from the ashes.

  1. You approach a problem with a solution

You always have a solution or two to a problem and this problem can be anything from personal to professional. 

  1. You’re never happy with the status quo

You are never satisfied with things just the way they are. You challenge, you think differently and you know you meant for something different. 

  1. You are confident in your ideas

You don’t need others to believe in you, you believe in yourself and your capabilities. 

  1. You see opportunity everywhere 

You are always filled with great ideas and are always seeing opportunities that others can’t. 

  1. You’re always competitive 

You always have to be number one and ahead of the pack. And oftentimes, you are. 

  1. You don’t work well with authority

You don’t like people telling you what to do and bossing you around. You are already aware of the situation before they are anyways.

  1. You embrace change

Change is a force of nature that never throws you off the curve. You are flexible and a fast learner.

  1. You can’t sit still 

You are always bursting with energy at the prospect of new ideas and trying new things out. You get bored easily and want to move over to the next thing.

  1. You consider yourself an outsider

You are different and not in a weird way. But the most unique way possible. You know that you have talents and a mindset that is not quite like everyone else. 

  1. You have something to prove

The last of 20 Signs You are Meant to Be an Entrepreneur. You want to prove to yourself and the world that you can do it. This proof is your motivation and drive. 

What are your thoughts about the 20 Signs You are Meant to Be an Entrepreneur?

Sheinna Mungroo

A South African native undertaking her Master’s in Human Resource Management. Her primary objective is balancing the needs and goals of both the company and the workforce to create a harmonious employee-and business-centric atmosphere whilst improving the standing of women in upper management. She’s an avid lover of books, fashion, beauty, the arts, flowers and cool notebooks. She was also a Finalist for the Miss India South Africa 2017 pageant. Sheinna believes in exploring as many creative streams in life as this is a form of expression and a link between our internal and external worlds. When she’s not painting up a storm, she loves exploring new cafés and chocolate desserts. 

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