10 Health and Wellness Resolutions for the New Year

  • Published on:
    December 24, 2022
  • Reading time by:
    4 minutes
10 Health and Wellness Resolutions for the New Year

A new year is a great way to reflect and reset your life and goals. As the year goes on, barriers may have strayed you away from what you were looking to accomplish. Health goals are by far one of the most popular resolutions people make. Here are 10 health and wellness resolutions for the new year to spark some ideas.

10 Health and Wellness Resolutions for the New Year

1.  Get More Sleep

As a working adult, you are likely not getting the recommended amount of sleep each night. It is best to get around six to eight hours of sleep, but your schedule might not allow you to get that much each night.

You can get more sleep if you make a plan to move your bedtime up 30 minutes every two weeks. Adjust your nighttime routine so you can add small increments to your nightly rest.

2. Spend Time Outdoors

Many people spend the majority of their time indoors. Whether it is by choice or because of your working condition, nature is one of the best ways to heal yourself naturally. Fresh air and sunlight can do wonders for your mental and physical health.

Try to find more time for nature during your day. Whether getting up early and enjoying a walk around the neighborhood or working in your garden after your workday, nature will boost your mood and energy.

3. Drink More Water

If getting in your water intake is a struggle, set a goal to drink more. You can start by replacing a beverage with water and making sure you have a glass first thing in the morning.

Water is the best drink for your health since sugary beverages contribute to Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and obesity. It prevents dehydration, which is essential to keep your body functioning correctly.

4. Eat a Healthier Diet 

Eating healthy does not mean eating less or forcing yourself to eat food you do not like. Rather than forcing a diet onto yourself, practice enjoying the foods you love in moderation. With fast food and sweets at the tip of your fingers, it’s easy to overconsume things that leave you tired and hungry within an hour.

Instead, opt for foods that make you feel good and energized. You can find sources of lean meat, whole grains and leafy greens you enjoy to enrich your diet and keep you feeling full.

5. Increase Physical Activity

Fitness goals are one of the most common resolutions. If your lifestyle is more sedentary, it can be challenging to jump into a full-blown active way of living.

First, you should find an activity you enjoy — it will keep you motivated to get active every day since it is not something you dread doing. If your body is sensitive to high-impact activities like running, you can look for an alternative like swimming. The buoyancy of water can be soothing if you have chronic pain from osteoporosis or arthritis.

6. Be Kind to Yourself

Make sure you take time for yourself. It can be easy to get caught up in work and make others happy to the point you do not prioritize yourself.

You should keep from beating yourself up even when you do not meet your expectations. Having an unproductive day doesn’t mean you should continue to feel negative about yourself. A bad day does not lead to a bad life, so give yourself credit for trying to your best ability and work towards being better tomorrow.

7. Focus on the Present

Many people devote their time to thinking about the past or future. If you do the same thing, you should find techniques that bring you to the present moment. Being stuck anywhere but the present is when your life flies by without you enjoying each day.

8. Take Media Breaks

Exposure to news and social media can cause you to feel stressed and depressed. So much overstimulation can also drain you and cause a range of negative emotions. Try incorporating a media-free night by doing other activities — like a game night or reading a book — to bring you back to the reality of your own life.

9. Limit Eating Out   

You can enjoy a treat now and then, but eating takeout too often is not good for you physically and financially. Eating takeout can result in excessive calorie, fat and sodium intake. Be careful with eating out multiple times a week if you want to save money and work on your health.

10. Get the Health You Need

You may have made promises to yourself about getting help for physical or mental health issues and the year has passed. Now is the time to reevaluate and put your thoughts into action. When you get the help you have been seeking, it is sure to make a difference. So, be sure to visit your doctors regularly to keep your health in check – physical or mental. If you don’t have dedicated doctors yet, you can search for terms like “dentist near me sun city” or “therapist in new york” on the internet and it should provide a list of experts that you can reach out to.

Stick to Your Resolution

Once you decide which health and wellness resolution is for you, create your plan. You don’t have to wait for the new year to start — take action when it feels right. Hopefully, these 10 ideas inspire you on your journey to improving your health and wellness.

Cora Gold

Cora Gold is the Editor-in-Chief for Revivalist Magazine. She has a passion for inspiring women to lead happy, healthy and successful lives. Follow Revivalist on Facebook and Twitter to read more from Cora. 

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