Why Rejection is Good for You

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    July 27, 2017
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I got rejected multiple times by every blog I applied to as a contributor. I just couldn’t find out why they didn’t hire me and it made me crazy. What I did, I didn’t give up on being a blogger because I knew I wanted to blog. And all these rejections actually made me realize that working for another blog was not my goal.

I’ve learned that I needed to be ready and to build myself up to the next level. Because we always end up achieving far greater than what we actually envisioned for ourselves. And I think if we don’t get rejected in our lives we would get our way, we’d just settle. Imagine if they hired me as a blogger, there might have been a chance I would’ve never started with Women On Topp. In fact, my blog has more followers than all of the blogs I applied to together. It reached over 1.000.000 views per month!

If we don’t get rejections in life we’d just accept what we thought was our goal. Rejection is actually a gift to ourselves to improve ourselves and to get somewhere even better. Because if we would not get any rejection in our lives, we would just accept what we thought was our goal. What we thought we were chasing. Seriously, anyone who got rejected from what they thought was their dream job, should notice that later down the line you will look back and you reflect and realize that what you’ve gained is so much greater.

Rejection can concentrate the mind wonderfully. It shows you that the world can’t be taken for granted and that you have to fight for what you want. Rejections will make you more determined to prove your abilities. It sharpens your competitiveness and gives you an incentive to prove people wrong.

As much as it sucks you are going to get rejected in life sometimes more sometimes less. That’s just the way it is. In fact, getting some rejections in your life are the best things that will ever happen to you. If they were not crazy about you to hire you. Why would you want to be crazy about them? Why would you want to go work for someone who was not sure about you in the first place? It is same as a relationship. Would you want to date someone who isn’t crazy about you? Well, I don’t think so!

Getting rejected is a lesson for you to learn and find out how badly you want something. Is it really something you’ve wanted? Then you are going to try better next time, and meanwhile find out why you got rejected, maybe you didn’t have the right skills yet. You can always invest in yourself, to improve yourself you can take classes, courses etc.

You can’t let rejection get you down. You have to let it pick you right back up higher than you’ve ever been before and motivate you to get what you want.

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