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Not Sure If You’re Ready? Yes You Are! Here’s Why:

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

I don’t know…. I need to learn X,Y,Z first….it’s not the right time…maybe in the future…. Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

Let’s get to the bottom of this so you can start your ‘marathon’ as opposed to just standing there looking at what is ahead, or viewing life and its possibilities from the sidelines. 

Learning is Continuous

You will always be learning. You never stop; so waiting till you learn everything first is a fool’s game. You do and you learn, you do and you learn…you do and you learn. You get the picture.

Face your Fear of not knowing enough

It is not about the knowledge that you think you may be lacking; instead the fear is one of inadequacy and ‘impostor syndrome’. You feel that you are not good enough, wise enough, and knowledgeable enough in whatever chosen area and therefore you feel you cannot get started. The only way to get over this is by doing, by doing you will learn, when you learn you will feel competent, when you feel competent you will develop your confidence. Your results will give you the reassurance and evidence that you need to know that you are more than enough and tell you what you need to do next.

Want to change the world? – First, you need to Change Your Own

Think about one thing, how did you get to where you are now? You were not born knowing everything that you know now. It was experiences and various methods of knowledge acquisition that got you to where you are today. Granted you probably were not consciously aware of how or what you were learning, how to interpret, use and trigger what you have learned when needed in the future. As an adult we tend to over think which sabotages our ability to learn and apply. As a child we just did, without much thought. We ‘think’ that we have to acquire all these ‘new things’ that we need to learn, learn them first before any action can be taken. 

This is false, be mindful that you do not fall into this thought trap. So what is it that you want to do? – and if you are not doing it why haven’t you got started?

You are the Only Obstacle in your Path

Yes you are a product of your experiences, good and bad, however through conscious development you can choose the right experiences and manage your perception in a way that benefits you. You might have had things that have happened to you, things you could not control. However the one thing that you can control is yourself. Your mind is your greatest and most powerful asset. 

So if there is something holding you back, embrace it, face it – and get help and assistance. Although you are the one to walk the journey, you do not need to walk it alone.

Overwhelm, Self-Sabotage, and Procrastination

Overwhelm, Self-Sabotage, and Procrastination will lead you to your downfall. When you experience these three things this ultimately leads you to feeling unfulfilled and dissatisfied with yourself and how your life is. You will feel frustrated and the spiral of negative thought only continues to spiral downwards. 

When you are experiencing these things it is crucial that you not ignore it, you must get to the root of the problem and do something about it. Improvement and change only comes from taking action. If you are truly confused and don’t know what to do, then ask someone who does. When you have the answer you must take action. Otherwise this only adds to overwhelm. 

You’ve Got This!

You have everything you need to take the first step forward on whatever it is you want to work on first. Focus, however on one goal at a time. These inevitably will have an impact on multiple areas of your life therefore more than one change can happen. You know yourself best, so be productive, and it’s your marathon so you determine your pace. 

Ask  Yourself Three Questions.

  1. What does my life look like now?
  2. If I don’t do this now, what will my life look like?
  3. If I do this now, what will my life look like?

They may sound similar but they are different questions that are powerful if you answer them honestly. Get your thoughts out of your head and onto paper, video or audio record it, do whatever works for you. 

Remember: You may not know how to climb a mountain but you know how to take your first step

I would love to hear from you, let me know your answers @haseenabheekhunofficial or email me at 

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