Your At-Home Remedy For Yeast Infections & BV

  • Published on:
    May 21, 2019
  • Reading time by:
    5 minutes

What goes through your mind when you think about boric acid? If you’re like many people, you know this compound most for its use in pest control. The thought of using a dangerous chemical that kills pests to treat bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections may sound downright frightening.

The truth? While boric acid sounds like a dangerous chemical and it does work as an insecticide, it’s also a natural antiseptic and one of the safest yet most effective ways to treat vaginal infections.

It all comes down to how it’s used.

After all, chocolate is poisonous for dogs but definitely doesn’t cause you any harm — assuming you don’t over-indulge and give yourself a stomach ache. Lidocaine, a common topical anesthetic, is perfectly safe when applied to the skin but it can be dangerous when ingested.

Boric acid isn’t safe to consume but it is safe to use as a vaginal suppository.

How Safe Are Boric Acid Suppositories?

When it’s used as a vaginal suppository, boric acid has only been shown to cause skin irritation in some women. As long as it isn’t taken by mouth and it doesn’t touch open wounds where it can enter the bloodstream, boric acid is a perfectly safe treatment option that’s being recommended by a growing number of physicians and gynecologists to treat and prevent bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections.

Even the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lists boric acid as an effective management strategy for recurrent or persistent vaginal infections.

To use boric acid safely for vaginal infections, just follow a few safety guidelines. Don’t put boric acid near an open wound or cut. Keep it away from children and pets. Never swallow a boric acid supplement.

Your at-home remedy for yeast infections and BV

Research Shows Boric Acid Suppositories Work!

The use of boric acid suppositories isn’t a new or untested idea with a lot of unknowns: a growing body of research suggests boric acid may actually be the preferred way to treat and prevent vaginal infections.

Bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections are common problems that affect most women at some point in their lives. About 10% of women also suffer from recurring infections that aren’t treated well with antibiotics alone.

Antibiotics have saved millions of lives but they can introduce new problems by killing beneficial bacteria along with bacteria responsible for an infection. In the case of vaginal infections, antibiotics can create a vicious cycle: the antibiotics used to treat BV kill other bacteria which affects the vagina’s pH. This allows Candida albicans to grow out of control and lead to a yeast infection.

According to research, boric acid may be more effective than antibiotics to treat BV because boric acid supplements help restore the vagina’s normal pH state without causing a rapid swing in either direction. Boric acid has been found to be up to 88% effective at treating bacterial vaginosis, a higher efficacy rate than antibiotics, without the risk of a related yeast infection afterward.

For many women, boric acid supplements like VeeCleanse aren’t just safe: they can be the answer to breaking the cycle of recurring vaginal infections without the risks of antibiotics. 

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