Your 2018 Vision Board

  • Published on:
    December 19, 2017
  • Reading time by:
    3 minutes

It’s that time of year again!  Thanksgiving first, Christmas next, and then New Year’s.  I know a lot of people are indifferent when it comes to setting goals for the New Year, but I personally love this idea.  I am a firm believer that “If you don’t have a plan, you plan to fail.”  So let’s make a plan!  But first, let me tell you why you should do this (making a vision board):

Your 2018 Vision Board

  1. Gives your life purpose and meaning
  2. Aids in keeping you focused
  3. Puts you in the habit of remaining committed to what you set out to do
  4. Helps you to effectively use your time
  5. Provides Direction
  6. Clearer Focus on what is important
  7. Gives you control of your future
  8. Provides motivation

Now that we have that out of the way, read below for some creative and fun ways to create your own custom Vision Board which is just a fun way to display your goals for the upcoming year:

Poster board: You can buy a big sheet of poster board, cut out pictures in a magazine, or print images from the Internet that represent your goal, and tape them to the poster board. Have fun with it!  Type up some of your favorite motivational quotes and place those on the board as well. Use different size fonts to make it even more dynamic. There is no right or wrong way to do this.  Pinterest is great tool to use for some inspiration on how to create a vision board.

Corkboard: Same concept as the poster board, but instead, you can use a corkboard which allows for some added flexibility.  Since the corkboard uses a thumbtack, you can easily add or remove images throughout the year.

Collage: You can place quotes and pictures in individual picture frames and hang them in a space that you see every day, like your home office or even your bedroom.

If you want to see how my vision board turns out, follow me on Instagram @kellie_jenai.  I will be sure to share my results in January!  Good Luck and Happy New Year!

Kellie Hopewell

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2 thoughts on “Your 2018 Vision Board

  1. Thanks for the idea! I’ve heard of Vision Boards before but never really looked into them. Well, my hubby and I will be doing ours soon.

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