What Is The Best Future Career?

  • Published on:
    July 28, 2020
  • Reading time by:
    3 minutes

The Future of Work is Digital 

As society becomes more technology-dependent, it is becoming more and more important to possess tech skills in order to survive and thrive as part of the ever-evolving workforce. If you have ever wondered if your job is secure, whether you may be pushed out by technological advancements, then you should consider getting ahead of the curve and learning some new tech skills in order to remain relevant.

This is especially pertinent when you consider these skills are becoming more and more common in the newest generation of workers looking to supplant those already in attractive job positions.

Updating your digital skills is not only a tactic for long term stability. The havoc caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to an increased remote-work workforce and many of the following digital jobs complement remote work perfectly.

Let’s now highlight some job positions that require digital skills and can be completed remotely below.

Best Jobs to Remain Digitally Relevant

JavaScript Developer

Interactive features on websites not possible with HTML are created using the programing language of JavaScript. These developers make animations, web applications, and many other features possible. 

JavaScript can be used for frontend or backend development. With the digitalization of our world, the need for web developers, especially those with JavaScript skills, is rising. JavaScript developers can easily work from anywhere.

Machine Learning Enginneer

If you can master Artificial Intelligence, you’ll be able to contribute to machine learning systems, which are growing by the day and can be seen in almost every technology we use on a daily basis.

For example, every time you call or text a friend through voice-activated prompts on your smartphone, you are using AI. This feature was made possible by a machine learning engineer.

Cybersecurity Engineer

Cybersecurity Engineers design, build, test, and maintain programs to safeguard information from malicious attacks. To do this, you’ll need to master a host of programming languages, including Bash, C, C++, and Python.

The cybersecurity industry is growing faster than any other field in the tech industry, with expected job growth of 32 percent by 2028.

SEO Manager

All businesses are investing in Search Engine Optimization these days, as creating strategic content on a website allows it to rank higher in search results. This in turn allows more customers to find a business, generating more revenue for the organization.

SEO Managers are skilled digital marketing professionals who create content using specific keywords to attract more customers by having web pages rank higher.

Social Media Manager

Social Media marketing is imperative nowadays. Companies once paid millions for a commercial but now realize social networking platforms reach a wider audience.

Social Media Managers lead social media campaigns by strategizing what to post and when, and to whom to cater the content to in order to attract the most business.

Data Scientist

Data science is one of the fastest-growing subsets of the tech industry, with expected job growth of 16 percent by 2028.

As a Data Scientist, you collect, track, and organize data to solve complex business problems. The business solutions you create allow businesses to thrive. Data collected from customers must be analyzed and put to use by those capable of properly interpreting large data sets.

Data scientists must know SQL, R, Python, and Scala to build data collection methods. They use database framework software like Hadoop, Tableau, and MongoDB to store and organize the data they collect.

Data Engineer

A Data Engineer carries out the necessary programming to build query and pipeline systems that help streamline the data reporting processes to break it down into trackable, visual segments. As a data engineer, you can expect to earn about $108,000, according to ZipRecruiter.

Data Analyst

A data analyst breaks down reporting and visual organization that comes out of the data pipelines built by the data engineers.

A data analyst is one of the highest-paid entry-level positions across the tech industry. Even as an entry-level associate, you can expect a national average salary of over $95,000.

UX/UI Designer

These developers create user-friendly interfaces for web and mobile applications. This skill is great for remote work because nearly all of the job can be done through the Internet.

You may now be wondering how to learn the skills needed for these jobs. The answer is bootcamps.


The easiest route to learn new digital skills is by enrolling in a bootcamp, which is an intensive short-term program that equips you with all the necessary skills and knowledge needed to land a job in more than half the time traditional college programs would take.

For some skills mentioned above, we recommend Thinkful. The online coding bootcamp offers courses in software engineering, data science, and data analytics, where you can learn programming skills like Python. At Thinkful, you will be able to update your skills and remain relevant in the ever-evolving digital workforce.

By: careerkarma.co

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