Qualities All Powerful Women Must Possess

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    August 19, 2022
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    5 minutes
Qualities all Powerful and successful Women must Possess womenontopp.com women on topp

The most powerful women, CEO’S, Entrepreneurs, or the go to women at the top continue to guide us into unchartered waters as they throw caution to the wind and inspire us to chase after our dreams. They are fierce women who command attention without seeking it. Filled to the brim with self-confidence, desire and ambition. These women stand out in the crowd and remind us that the only difference between dreams and reality is the fearless leap that takes us into the unknown. That initial first step that many of us are to frightened to take. Read Qualities All Powerful Women Must Possess.

“Some women are lost in the fire. Some women are built from it.” ~ Michelle K.

Upon first glance their passion is unbridled, their strength admired and their ideas inspire and touch all of those who are lucky enough to meet her.  A powerful woman can change the world with her passionate ideas, dreams and willingness to persevere. Leading you to wonder what qualities do these powerful goddesses hold?

Here are just a few of Qualities All Powerful Women Must Possess.

Qualities All Powerful Women Must Possess

Positive Mindset

A powerful woman comes from a positive place. She begins her day by focusing on what is most important through meditation, journaling or setting intentions, as she recognizes the importance of connecting with herself before the rest of the world.  Through connection, she is grounded and able to see problems as possibilities for growth. A powerful woman knows that nothing good ever came from a negative mindset.

She’s Not Afraid to Stand Alone

A strong woman chases after her dreams regardless of who’s standing beside her, behind her or in front of her. She knows that the only person who can solve her problems is herself; therefore she doesn’t need to rely on someone else. By standing alone she single-handedly stands for her convictions and becomes unstoppable.

“The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take It. “ ~ Roseanne Barr Moxie

A powerful woman is bold and “ goes confidently in the direction of her dreams!”

 She will never waste time comparing herself to other women, as she knows that the only people who succeed are the ones who try. A powerful woman creates her own path and fearlessly moves forward, all the while knowing that within the time the crowd will follow her. But the truth is she doesn’t need them too. As her courageous vision will continue to catapult her further into the abyss of the unknown.

Attitude of Gratitude

She doesn’t make excuses or waste time complaining. She’s better than that. She appreciates all that she has and sees her glass as full rather than empty.  She holds to the notion that less will always be more. Throughout her day she has numerous interactions that remind her to be grateful. She looks at her life, her surroundings, her home, her family and the endless opportunities that await her as blessings in her life. With this her heart is full.


The strongest leaders know that the only way to break down barriers is to never stop trying.  They must PERSIST. They know that with every curveball and swerve off the path they must adjust their perspective but never lose sight of their vision. They are the first to make moves and go outside of their comfort zone.

These are the women we admire. The women we strive to be. A powerful woman breaks the mold all the while knowing that the power is in her hands and her hands alone. It is not the man that makes the woman. Or the social status we are born into that determines how far we will rise. The strength of a powerful woman is determined by the dreams she dreams and her willingness to chase her convictions.

Melissa Fino

Melissa Fino is a defiant high school dropout who went on to receive her Master’s of Social Work from the University of Southern California. Melissa applies her life experience with unexpected challenges and numerous insecurities to empower women to let go of the negative in their lives and embrace the positive. Currently, she is the CEO of LoveYourLife Community, a conscious life change coach for women, writer, blogger and speaker.

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5 thoughts on “Qualities All Powerful Women Must Possess

  1. Lovely article. Very empowering and motivating! I am still and always will be learning; I know the power I need to overcome anything and to accomplish my dreams is the power that is already inside of me.

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