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Office Quicksand: Four Narratives That Sink Your Career

Office Quicksand: Four Narratives That Sink Your Career

We’ve all seen the infamous quicksand scenes in movies: the hero is obliviously strolling through the jungle and realizes s/he is trapped in quicksand rapidly sinking with nowhere to go. 

While the threat of quicksand is often exaggerated in films, it’s a great visual that perfectly encapsulates the way that common yet harmful company narratives can trap you in your career.  While these narratives can be applied to either gender, women most often tend to be the ones that have the most trouble getting out of quicksand when they get caught up in it in a male-dominated workplace. 

Some of the most prevalent quicksand myths include:  

Imposter syndrome is something that many women in the workplace struggle with. It’s important to remember that just because someone says something that doesn’t make it true. The above narratives are just a few quicksand traps that we can fall into if we place pleasing others over our own needs.  

As professional females we must be able to cultivate our voices to confidently advocate for ourselves in the workplace while avoiding the quicksand diversions that prevent us from advancing in our career. 

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