How to Motivate for a Morning Workout Before a Full Day of Work

  • Published on:
    February 15, 2018
  • Reading time by:
    2 minutes
How to Motivate for a Morning Workout Before a Full Day of Work

By now, you have likely heard of the benefits of a morning workout and moving your body first thing in the morning! Exercising early in the morning offers numerous benefits, both to your health and to your daily schedule, including boosting your metabolism so you continue to burn calories throughout the day, improving your focus and mental capacity for the day ahead, and improving the quality of your sleep. That being said, it is often difficult to self-motivate to exercise in the morning when you then have a full day of work ahead. Read on to find out How to Motivate for a Morning Workout Before a Full Day of Work.

Below are some failproof tips to How to Motivate for a Morning Workout Before a Full Day of Work:

  1. Prepare the Night Before – Laying out your outfit and packing a bag the night before will cut back on preparation time in the morning.  It is also much easier to organize your gym bag and outfit for the day when you are awake and alert, rather than in the wee hours of the morning.  Leave your gym bag by the door and you can grab it and go in the morning.
  1. Set an Inspirational Alarm – Put your phone/alarm clock across the room, so you have to get out of bed to turn it off.  It is also great to set your alarm with a positive/inspirational message, which will be the first thing you see in the morning.
  1. Wake up on a Positive Note – As you get out of bed, think of three things that you are grateful for, it will start your day on a positive note and remind you to look for opportunities throughout the day.  Further, starting the day off with a smile and positive outlook, combined with a morning sweat session, can lead to less stress when you get to work.
  1. Enlist a Buddy – Everything is better with a friend.  If you plan to exercise with a friend in the morning, you will feel accountable to get up and go knowing that someone is relying on you.  You will also encourage each other to keep going and get the most out of your workout.
  1. Reward Yourself – After your workout, treat yourself to a cup of coffee and healthy breakfast/smoothie. This will give you something to look forward to and will motivate you to workout harder.

Self-motivation is an on-going practice but reminding yourself how good you will feel after exercising and how free you will be to tackle or enjoy the rest of your day, is a surefire way to keep the self-motivation going!

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Christine Falco

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