Melissa Pearce’s Mission To Empower Women In Their Careers To Be Their Absolute Best By Harnessing The Power Of Communication

  • Published on:
    September 5, 2022
  • Reading time by:
    4 minutes

If you’ve got an important mission ahead and want to make your message stand out, get you heard and get noticed for all of the right reasons, HoneyBe You is for you! 

HoneyBe’s here to get you super clear on the things you want to communicate. Then show you how to put together a content plan for bossing your business speak so there is a strategy behind it. You don’t have to spend hours thinking about it… getting nowhere. HoneyBe will show you how to find and own your voice in your work life.

So the next time someone says ‘What can you do?’, rather than stumble over words and fumble for clarity, you can give to ‘em straight up!

HoneyBe will save you hours of time, with ready-to-run structures, break down complicated concepts and make those daunting career tasks effortless and enjoyable!

Meet Melissa Pearce, it’s her mission to empower women in their careers to be their absolute best by harnessing the power of communication.  

 A passion to produce the highest quality growth and awe inducing results is my bag!

What was the thought process behind starting HoneyBe You?

HoneyBe You was born out of the need for innovative approaches to the dull as dishwater career communication resources out there… uninspiring and inadequate. 

Too often we aren’t equipped with the tools to communicate with clarity and control when packaging our potential at work.

This was me! Nervous to speak up in meetings or dreading making a presentation to professionals in my field. Would I get my message across in enough detail? Would I ramble on and sound weak and without conviction?

And it wasn’t just me! Family, friends and colleagues; strong, successful women crumbling at the thought of delivering a presentation or composing a cover letter. I wanted to change this. 

What are you currently working on?

A course in being BAE… A Bad Ass Editor!

It’s resources to get you in control whether you are writing a personal statement, an email, crafting your CV or prepping a presentation or script. 

One of the pillars of great communication, particularly written, is good control. Polished, purposeful and proud. 

You know your s**t, so show it! Don’t bury your potential under poor grammar and get your message missed under messy mistakes. It’ll make sure you call out any bad habits or simply firm up on some fundamentals. If they did teach you this at school, you might have forgotten it! 

Can you open up a little about your work and career?

I love my work and after fourteen years of teaching, that hasn’t changed although I wasn’t one of those little girls who registered her teddies whilst playing schools. Discovering dinosaur fossils and getting the scoop as a journalist were my aspirations back then! I now realise that teaching is my vocation and I am endlessly passionate about it… you need to find something that makes you feel this.

What personal strength was useful to you in your career?

Remaining responsive. As a teacher, being ready to rethink and recalibrate when necessary is incredibly useful and essential! Being willing to evolve by seeking feedback in all forms and being unafraid to take on advice has ensured I am constantly learning and improving.

Do you have any tips for those who want to renew their life/start a new job?

Begin… put one foot in front of the other and repeat! Keep moving forwards.

Like so many of us, COVID was a massive catalyst for me and the changes that I wanted to make. 

If there’s something that you’ve really been thinking about, trust your genius and go for it. I love that the Romans believed that all people had a guiding spirit that attended them through their lives and they called this ‘genius’. 

I believe those pivotal, potential moments of change are guided by your genius. Do it!

What is a skill that all women should learn and why?

Communication skills play a great role in deciding your success in your career or profession and women who possess good communication skills do better in the workplace (and life generally!). FACT.

All women should possess the tools to communicate with clarity and control. They should be able to capture exactly what they want to convey and captivate their audience in the process!

What advice has impacted you the most?

‘You may delay, but time will not.’ Such wise words from Benjamin Franklin. 

It also reminds me of one of my grandfather’s many mantras! ‘Procrastination is the thief of time.’ Anon

Don’t look back with the wish that you would have done something differently or acted sooner. We are all guilty of putting things off because we aren’t ready. We don’t feel equipped or focused. Or bothered! Take action… time won’t wait.

If you could give one piece of advice to future students, what would it be?

Have the courage to begin. Be brave and keep moving forward. No matter the size of the step or whether you are certain it’s the right thing.

A former US President said ‘Imperfect action beats perfect inaction every time.’ (Harry S.Truman) and this quote really stayed with me. Just do something… research, make a call, send an email or strike up a conservation about it.

If you had an extra six hours a day, what would you do?

Workout more! Spend quality time exercising my body and mind. Perhaps a long walk or a bike ride followed by some toning.

I would also relish the time to spend with family and friends. The chance to make longer visits, catch-ups and phone calls would be amazing.

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