Meet Sandy Lamb the CEO and owner of Altitude Business Coaching who has a passion for helping executive women and is known for challenging the status quo to get the best out of your greatest asset, people. She saw executive coaching as the perfect opportunity for her to give back the expertise and operational insights she learned in corporate America while affording her the opportunity to spend more time blending family and wellness into her life.
Sandy was “liberated” from corporate America almost 5 years ago and the vision she had for her company was to mentor executive women in how to position themselves to lead authentically in male-dominated industries. She is a graduate from Johns Hopkins University with an MBA in International Business. She is the chair for the Colorado Springs Regional Action Committee for the Women’s Foundation of Colorado, chair, mentor and Advisory Board member for 4Word, a member of the Advisory Board for Tomorrow People Organization based in Serbia and a speaker coach for TedX. Sandy resides in Colorado Springs with her husband of 25 years and their 3 teenage children.
She has spent the last few years speaking around the world on the subject of leading with emotional intelligence, finding your return on empathy and the science of well-being for audiences like Women in Nuclear, Women in Engineering, IEEE, Xcel Energy, Toyota Motor North America and Project Management Institute (PMI).
Today we had the opportunity to interview Sandy Lamb, see below for the Q&A with Sandy Lamb.
Can you share your strategies about how to stay calm and sane during difficult times.
Have you ever listened to the sound of your own breathing? I wish I knew then what I know now. When I worked in corporate America, I didn’t tap into half of the tools and techniques that are now a part of my morning routine. Every day includes some form of exercise, mindfulness meditation and prayer. These are the foundation for what allows me to literally stay calm and carry on. There is something so soothing about your own breath when you allow yourself the focus to literally hear yourself breathe. It means you must physically slow yourself down, which in turn, will slow your heart rate and activate the “happy hormones” in your brain, (i.e. dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin) There is a reason that my word of the year for 2022 is PAUSE. Life gets to moving way too fast sometimes and we all need to stop and smell the roses to maintain our sanity and truly appreciate what we have.
What has been your biggest milestone / achievement thus far?
There are so many things I could point to with this question, not the least of which was giving birth to 3 amazing, talented children and having all of us survive their teenage years. But the first thing that literally came to mind, which has given me so much fulfillment and joy in my career, is my Tedx speaker coaching. To-date I have coached 11 people to bring their one big idea to the Big.Red.Dot. I happened upon my first speaker coaching role at Tedx Colorado Springs in 2019 and since then have coached people from Chicago to Breckenridge, and most recently, Franklin, TN. I liken it in some ways to being a proud mom, because there is nothing more empowering then tapping into people’s purpose and passion and helping them on their journey to share their one big idea with the world.
What advice would you give to other aspiring female entrepreneurs?
Get ready to get ready. The most common mistake I see business owners make in the first year of their startup is that they begin before they are ready. They are super pumped upon an idea or purpose that they are passionate about (selling a product, providing a service), but they don’t know the first thing about running a business. And at the end of the day, if you don’t make $$$, you won’t be in business long. That’s just reality. Do your homework. Get clarity about your offering, who you want to serve, where you want to serve, and how much you want to charge them. In other words, strategic plan FIRST, then execute. Things tend to work out better in that order.
What does diversity mean to you personally?
One of my top LinkedIn posts in 2021 addressed this issue. It was very well received and resonated with many of my followers. Rather than recreate, I’m sharing link and text below. The basic premise is that I think we lose sight of the goal when we focus only on diversity. That is something that we can’t necessarily CHOOSE as individual contributors. However, the (Woman on TOPP) should focus her energy on where she BELONGS, which is a personal choice as well as a feeling.

You CHOOSE Belonging
I was talking with several women today about the fact that what we believe is what we focus on, and that the lies we believe as truths will affect us as if they ARE true. If you agree that thoughts drive our behaviors which drive our actions which yield results… then we will behave differently if we truly believe:
– I don’t have enough relevant experience
– I don’t have the authority to make that decision
– I can’t ask for a raise even though I deserve one
I had a bit of an epiphany with regards to this graphic that I’ve posted before. If you look at all 3 of these, what stands out to you about “Belonging” vs the D&I?
For me, it’s the only one I can control. Both diversity and inclusion require that someone else “invites me” or “asks me”, whereas belonging is a choice that I alone can make.
Don’t rely on anyone else to make you feel included. YOU decide where you belong and if you can’t dance like no one is watching, it might be time to dance somewhere else 🙏😊
How do you look to have a positive impact on people and planet?
Impact = Intention + Heart-centered action
Where love flows, the energy goes. Most of us set out to have a positive impact in the world, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions. If our intentions are not pure, people will see right through them (as they should). In a world where authenticity has become a household name, there is no room for imposters.
What has made all the difference in my life is when I let go of self-centeredness and embrace the words of St. Francis of Assisi, “For it is in giving, that we receive.” When I give with an altruistic heart, the results are astounding…. Human connections are formed, people are positively impacted (and therefore pay it forward) yielding exponential heart-centered action. In other words, you cannot receive, until you learn to give with impact! (see equation above)
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