Success can be achieved through revenue, publicity, the number of social media followers, the prominence of certain businesses, reach, and so much more. How we define it is subjective. In a sea of creative marketing entrepreneurs, readers often stumble across successful business founders who dove into unknown waters with the purpose of providing services for brands that are in need of growth.
Fifth Bull’s founder Hannah Carlson is one of those extraordinary founders. With her perseverance, Carlson began a female based creative agency specializing in events, PR and influencer marketing with the goal of growing brands and startups.
A graduate of the High Point University in Event Design & Promotions, Hannah Carlson exudes credibility and confidence in every project she is involved in whether it be Events, Production, PR Marketing, Brand Development, Influencer Campaigns, Film and Social Media Marketing. She wants to be the best influence on others via face-to-face and social media while becoming the best version of herself.
WOT spoke with Carlson about her experiences as an incredibly motivated, business-minded woman.

What inspired the start of Fifth Bull Agency?
Fifth Bull Agency was inspired by the CEO, Hannah Carlson’s Running with the Bulls accident in Pamplona, Spain. 6 years ago (anniversary date July 12th 2014), Hannah Carlson was struck by the fifth bull during the run, an unfortunate accident that shook her motivates to follow her passion to build a company with a leading legacy name that intrigues clients who are dedicated to leaving a positive impact in the world.
Fifth Bull Agency LLC is a female based creative agency specializing in Campaign Production, PR, Traditional & Influencer Marketing located on the East Coast, USA.
Why is social media marketing important for every business?
Adaption, companies cannot survive without adapting and reacting to their consumer’s needs. Social Media has been around since the early 2000s, SM Marketing has been around before Facebook, but we are familiar with the latest 10 years of trending and viral posts.
SM Marketing provides a quick, easy way to target your niche desired consumers right from their personal property. All smartphones provide a free additional marketing service for brands to engage with their potential customers instead of the labor of a retail or DD service.
I don’t believe brands see the opportunity that is readily available, especially older companies that are not willing to change. By doing some personal research, or even hiring a young college intern to get your brands voice out there online is vital for your companies’ survival!
The future is technology, the next generation is proving that e-commerce is the most effective way to get what you need and not leave your home. So why not advertise to them?
What should market leaders be doing to ‘prove’ marketing return on investment (ROI)?
Making sure the brand is engaged with the local consumer. It goes beyond a simple purchase, but into customer service, this is a best ROI, knowing that word of mouth marketing will always be the first type of marketing.
Creating that “going above and beyond” connection with a customer as well by answering public or private questions. Providing discount codes, memberships, referral opportunities, reposts, etc. It doesn’t take much to make someone feel special without the need of connecting face to face.
Which is your favorite influencer marketing campaign that one of your clients created by using #ad and why?
Sugar & Kush creates ongoing relationships with not only their customers but their influencers. They allow creative space for their ambassadors to work within while giving light guidelines for campaign direction, overall though their influencers connect with the S&K team directly and have built a family company environment.
I believe companies should strive to retain long term relationships with the influencers they hire, with the interest of the brands ROI based on those hired spokesmodels and vice versa.
What’s your view on micro-influencers compared to celebrity influencers?
My view for Micro-Influencers is that they are starting into the system, but not like 15 years ago when influencers had no idea what they were getting into, they were just mere bloggers back then. Micro-Influencers today, have an opportunity for growth, but during this time they need to find their brand’s voice first and make sure it resonates with their audience. Whatever company they first establish themselves with during this time will forever mark them in their future career paths.
Let’s say a pink color brand reaches out to you, but you, “Kelly”, hate pink, however you need money. What do you do?
This is a very normal question we get from our talent, but we always make sure they stay on target towards their personal career goals. If pink does not align with your brand’s message, then you have the power to say ‘no thank you’. Micro-Influencers forget this phrase often in desperation for fame and fortune.
The view for Macro Influencers is that they are well-established creatures, they have it made for themselves already which means they can make It for your brand as well if you have the budget. They have earned that entitlement to charge larger fees because of the ROI you would get by having them as a face of your company.
What’s one opportunity for using influencer marketing that maybe marketers overlook that has the potential to make a significant positive impact beyond content creation?
Knowing your platform and where your target consumer audience is coming from. There are 6 different types of social media platforms for #ad placement:
Social Networking Channels like; FB, IG, LinkedIn. Blogging; Twitter, Tumblr. Photo Sharing; IG, Snapchat, Pinterest. Video-Sharing; YT, Live’s, Vimeo
Aligning your brand’s voice with an influencer’s voice. True influencers know who they are influencing and why. They stay on brand and their message is not waivered by others. If you believe in an influencer’s message and believe aligning yours with he or she will help leverage your brand’s mission then that is an opportunity for a long term relationship to market with someone who truly believes in your product and what you are trying to do in the world.
How has covid-19 affected the services of Fifth Bull so far? Which ones have gotten better and which ones worse?
COVID-19 has hindered our production side of Fifth Bull Agency, the health and wellbeing of our creatives and talent are of high importance to us always. Due to the pandemic, we lost four months of production but were able to retain all clients, push their shoots back, and even added more clients during these unprecedented times.
What is the best advice you have ever received?
You are always inspiring others, even if you don’t believe anyone is watching, remain authentic.
What is a skill you think all women should learn and why?
Take criticism like a classy champ, over apologize, and learn how to contribute your skills to what is currently on the table.
Why? Because someone else is and just got promoted.
What have been some of your failures, and what have you learned from them?
There are 4 stages to a Lifecycle, 1. Introduction, 2. Growth, 3. Maturity, 4. Decline.
You have to believe that whatever you start will always have an end. Fifth Bull is not my first company, and it absolutely will not be the last. As long as I am committed to becoming the best version of myself through these life lessons I cannot fail, only learn and help others that go through it as well.
Extra answer : Would you say you have to have specific potential needs in order to start as an entrepreneur? If so, what are the specific potential needs?
You need two skills, communication & passion. As long as you are able to communicate your company’s passion to your accountant, your business partner(s), your customers, your potential investors, you can and will do anything with whatever you start! People support others by seeing their passions.
You can find Hannah Carlson CEO of Fifth Bull Agency LLC at:
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