How To Get Over The Fear of Ageing – Why The Best Years Are Yet to Come 

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    April 12, 2022
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How To Get Over The Fear of Ageing - Why The Best Years Are Yet to Come women on topp

How To Get Over The Fear of Ageing

Age – A topic that can bring forth many thoughts and emotions that can either empower or disempower you. Age is only a number and this is a fact. The perceptions we have about age have been learnt from our environment.  Yes, we age biologically but that does not mean our worth, our capability and our potential diminishes with age. As I was growing up I was in fact fascinated with getting older, I didn’t see age as something to be fearful of however I was well aware of the pressures, stigmas, and negative connotations that come with age.

We need to stay objective

Age is only a number, whilst there is a need to have a measurement system to help us understand the progress we cannot attach worth and value to that measurement. We need to stay objective.

The pressures I had around age were one of my own expectations and that of which I became aware of from my external environment, and that was the first problem, expectations never lead to anything productive – so get rid of them. 

Instead, focus on goals and be realistic about how and when those are going to be achieved.

Don’t fear getting older – it’s going to happen and experience is something that cannot be bought, time is also something you cannot get back. So, use it well to build worthwhile experiences that will educate you and mould you into the person you are meant to be. 

Pressure comes from somewhere internal and/or external so take note of not only when you are experiencing pressure but where the pressure coming from when it comes to Age.

Stigmas attached to age have no place in a happy life. However, most of us have grown up with something or another being attached to certain age milestones and if we do not achieve something by a certain age a stigma will get attached to that apparent lack of achievement. Potentially people are written off as unsuccessful or hold little worth if they have not met a certain of success personally or professionally by a certain age. 

Your only concern is yourself,

Your only concern is yourself, no one is living your life and no one else is you. What you experience, when you experience it, and all of your achievements are justified and you have every right to feel proud. 

Negative connotations to age are things that we apparently can and cannot do according to the age that we are. ‘You are too old to do that’ – Heard of this? Your internal and external answer should be ‘I am not too old’. Can your age really dictate what it is you can do? All you need to do is search and I am pretty sure you can find someone more senior than you that has decided to start what you are about to do. Ask yourself Where is this belief coming from? Do you really think you are too old for something or are you afraid of what other people will think of you? The only connotations you should attach to yourself, your journey and your achievements are positive ones. Ones that will empower you.

With each new phase and decade of your life, your views and feelings towards Age will change.

With each new phase and decade of your life, your views and feelings towards Age will change. However, you want to be mindful of these changes so that you have forward thinking that will benefit you. As we Age it can be a natural reaction to panic about certain things we have wanted to achieve by the age we reach, but if you are practicing mindfulness you would be keeping track of your goals as well as re-evaluating and adjusting where needed to achieve what you want. 

A task for You:

Take some time to process the issues you feel in your life right now associated with age. Try to understand where you learnt them from and ask yourself, do you really believe in these learned beliefs and are they serving you? Are the thoughts enabling you or disabling you in your path towards leading a life that you want?

Why are you afraid of ageing?

It may be because of any of the above points and questions; and we are skimming the surface of what potentially could be holding you back when it comes to age. Remember you don’t need to deal with this alone. Get the right people to support you. 

If ‘Age’ is a factor that is preventing you from achieving what you really are capable of and gaining what will make you happy; then it’s time to let go, embrace ageing and make the day you have and the years to come matter and get better and better. The best years are always yet to come. 

Haseena Bheekhun

Haseena Bheekhun is a Coach, Mentor, and Consultant. The scope of expertise in many areas of lifestyle, career life and business spans as wide as the exposure and first-hand experience has enabled her to interpret and understand the do’s and don’ts. Packaging this in a way that caters to the individual and the extended professional environment i.e. small company, large company or organization individuals are able to improve personally and professionally. Haseena’s vision is to empower and enable others to utilize their full potential and achieve their goals, by educating them and the wider community on various issues relating to mindset. Haseena enjoys creative and educational pursuits in philosophy, psychology, technology, science, and art.

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