Easy Habits That Will Pay Off In The Long Run

  • Published on:
    October 31, 2017
  • Reading time by:
    3 minutes

Reach out for a book, first thing in the morning.
If snooze button is not an option, more often than not, it is our cell phones that get our attention. Many of us are guilty to spend the first precious minutes in the morning by scrolling down social media feeds and trying not to fall back asleep. Eyeing fancy trips abroad and motivational quotes may serve as an inspiration, but not growth. What if those 7 minutes each morning were to be spent on the book, you are too tired to read at night?

Start your day with the most dreaded e-mail.
This task will overlook at all of your plans throughout the day like a grey cloud on a leash. So why not get it out the way? Once you do, you will be taken aback by how liberating it felt. Not to mention, you have a whole day ahead, stress-free.

Use your own takeaway coffee mug.
If every minute is scheduled, sitting down for a cup of coffee is out of the question. So take away it is. Now, count the amount of coffee paper takeaway cups (and the plastic lids) that are trashed by you alone. Making a world a better place does not require a lifestyle game changer. It is one small step at a time. Invest in a takeaway coffee mug (lady boss design is optional but welcome) and take it with you to the local coffee shop. You will be surprised that after initial bewilderment many will follow your example.

Keep a journal.
Of course, Facebook gives you an occasional prompt from a couple of years back, and although it might serve as a heartwarming reminder, it is not the same as reading a page out the most interesting book, which is about yourself. Keeping a journal is not only a great habit to chronicle the events that do not seem of importance (but will be in a couple of years from now), but also a meditating experience. Put down all of your emotions on paper for a couple weeks and you will surely notice a positive mood change.

Everyone seems to talk relentlessly about the importance of exercise without second thoughts on how to make time for a quality work out. If gym is just not going to cut it, going by a simple rule “sweat” may lift off the pressure to get it done. Even leg lifts on the couch will make a difference, as long as you exhale and do enough reps for the sweat to come.


Masha Mitrofanova

Masha is an artist who explores feminism, sexual liberation and different medium through her artwork. After receiving a Bachelor in marketing and communication, she has decided to take a creative turn and now writes for several platforms, while building her artistic portfolio. Her interests include shooting film, writing poetry and taking care of homeless cats. She believes that hard work, a great sense of humour and female empowerment will lead on the path to success (red lipstick helps). Passionate for travel she has lived in Canada, England and is currently residing in Milan, Italy.

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