Women On Topp

  • From A Careergirl to A Fit Girl

    7 months ago Parisa Haeri quit her job and career of 9 years in accounting all while she was preparing to move to London for the job that she got offered in London. She even signed the contract and was waiting for the visa to come through, but due to a typo error made on the visa application meant that after 6 months of waiting,
  • The Road to Becoming A Successful Lifestyle Blogger

    In a world full of bloggers nowadays, how does one get to be a unique blogger? Here are some fun facts did you know that only 2% bloggers make more than $150K per year? 6.7 million people blog on blogging sites and 12 million people blog via social networks. (Barnraisersllc)? Blogs are the most valuable type of content, according to more than ⅓rd