Lifestyle & Selfcare

  • How to Communicate Better to Improve Relationships Women on topp
    by Divya Chandegra

    How to Communicate Better to Improve Relationships

    Do you ever pay attention to how you communicate? How present are you when you’re actively communicating? Are you “listening,” whilst formulating your response or are you paying attention to what is being said, by whom and in what context? Listening is also about observing someone’s behaviours instead of just hearing the words. 
  • Five Rules That Will Give You The Power You Need women on topp
    by Maren Schlicht

    Five Rules That Will Give You The Power You Need

    I know how hard it is to keep up with all your dreams and goals you´d set up in your childhood. When we get older we often meet people or circumstances that try to hold us back. I´ve met a lot of toxic people along the way who tried to bring me down just because they couldn´t stand to see someone is really trying to make a difference in this world.
  • 10 Incredibly Easy Strategies For Self-Care | WOMENONTOPP.COM | WOMEN ON TOPP |
    by Elisabet Amadiz

    10 Incredibly Easy Strategies For Self-Care

    Being a woman in today’s workface is a superpower. Women are voluntold undertake the duty of becoming or being entrusted with caring for others' emotions. It becomes an unspoken oath to ensure that nothing gets in the way of helping clients and their families in treatment. We seldomly take the time to self-regulate or check-in with ourselves until
  • Life-Changing: How To Make The Most Of Your Mornings WOMEN ON TOPP WOMENONTOPP.COM
    by Nikita Kapoor

    Life-Changing: How To Make The Most Of Your Mornings

    Our mornings are the most important part of our life and really dictates how our day goes. It's the time when our mind is still in the hypnotic state and thus a great way to consciously create our day and manifest whatever you want in your life. I have a morning manifestation routine that I want to share with you all and can't wait to see what you