Career & Finance

  • by Christi Pratte

    Would You Date Your Hustle?

    So how do you choose the right career for you right from the start? Start viewing your career as a potential date. I see many people settling in their careers, putting their own needs, care, and passions last. There are obligations, comfort, and expectations to live up to that justify the mediocracy that many become chained to.
  • How To Prepare For A One Way Video Interview

    The one-way video interview is on the rise: companies like Apple, Twitter, Google, and many more use a one-way video interview at some point in their hiring process. Some estimates have seen a nearly 30% increase in the use of pre-recorded interviews in the last year. While one-way interviews are a great time-saving tool for recruiters, they can be
  • by Haseena Bheekhun

    How To Find The One? (Mentor) Part 2

    The next part of the process is to actually connect with them. This can be done in a number of ways but it basically comes down to finding out where they are and going to them. Where are they the most online and offline? What is their given method of communication?