ArVeda: A Mother’s Love Transformed into a Skincare Revolution

  • Published on:
    August 16, 2024
  • Reading time by:
    6 minutes
ArVeda: A Mother's Love Transformed into a Skincare Revolution

In a market saturated with chemical-laden skincare options, Hema Madhav’s ArVeda shines as a testament to the power of natural remedies and a mother’s love. The brand was born from Hema’s desire to find a pure, safe solution for her newborn daughter’s skin issues. Drawing on her deep-rooted knowledge of Ayurvedic traditions, she created products free from harmful chemicals, offering families a genuinely natural alternative.

ArVeda quickly grew from a kitchen experiment into a trusted brand, celebrated for its effectiveness and authenticity. Each product, from the flagship moisturizer to the nurturing soaps, is crafted with care, using only the finest natural ingredients. This commitment to purity and quality has earned ArVeda a loyal following, with customers who value its gentle, effective approach to skincare.

More than just a skincare line, ArVeda represents Hema’s passion for empowering others to embrace their natural beauty. Her journey, fueled by a deep sense of purpose, has inspired a shift towards healthier, more mindful choices in skincare. Through ArVeda, Hema continues to make a meaningful impact, offering not only products but also a message of love, care, and the enduring power of nature.

Can you tell us more about the inception of ArVeda and what inspired you to start a skincare brand?

ArVeda was inspired by my personal skincare struggles and a passion for natural remedies, deeply rooted in the Ayurvedic traditions my grandmother shared with me. The real turning point was when I created a remedy for my daughter’s eczema, which showed incredible results. This success motivated me to develop a line of products that are gentle, effective, and safe for my family. My entrepreneurial spirit and UX/UI design background helped me craft a brand that prioritizes both quality and user experience, while also embracing sustainability and ethical practices. ArVeda is a blend of ancient wisdom and modern science, empowering everyone to embrace their natural beauty with enthusiasm and care.

How did you transition from making products in your kitchen to selling them at local farmers’ markets?

Transitioning from making products in my kitchen to selling them at local farmers’ markets was an organic and community-driven process. It all started with the remedies I created for my daughter’s eczema, which showed incredible results. Encouraged by this success, I began sharing these products with my neighbors and local community. They quickly fell in love with them and saw remarkable improvements in their dry skin and rashes.

The positive feedback was overwhelming, and I even began giving the products as return gifts at baby showers and other occasions. The love and support from my community inspired me to take the next step and reach a broader audience. When I started selling at local farmers’ markets, the response was phenomenal. It was a huge hit among customers, and seeing their excitement and positive reactions fueled my passion even more. This journey allowed me to connect directly with people, understand their needs, and grow ArVeda from a kitchen operation to a beloved community brand.

What sets ArVeda products apart from other natural skincare brands in the market?

ArVeda products stand out from other natural skincare brands due to our unwavering commitment to purity and authenticity. Here’s what sets us apart:

  1. 100% Natural Ingredients: Our products contain no trace of chemicals. Even the fragrances are derived from homemade rose water and sandalwood water, ensuring a truly natural and gentle experience for your skin.
  2. Innovative Formulations: We understand the diverse needs of our customers. For those with nut oil allergies, we offer a Korean glow rice formula cream that provides the same benefits as our hibiscus cream, which contains sweet almond oil. This ensures everyone can enjoy radiant, healthy skin.
  3. Chemical-Free Soaps: Our soaps are made using soap nuts, which naturally create lather without any chemicals or artificial fragrances. This guarantees a pure and safe cleansing experience.
  4. Purity and Promise: Every ArVeda product is crafted with care and dedication to purity, promising a skincare solution that is as natural and effective as it is safe. We stand by our commitment to provide products that are pure, natural, and beneficial for your skin.

At ArVeda, we take pride in offering skincare that is truly natural, free from chemicals, and made with the highest quality ingredients for a genuinely pure skincare experience.

Can you discuss any collaborations or endorsements that have helped elevate the brand’s visibility?

One day, Utah actress Monica Moore Smith, known for her role in the film “Saturday’s Warrior,” tried our cream and absolutely loved it. She shared her positive experience on Instagram, which significantly boosted our visibility. Additionally, many of our local customers have posted glowing reviews about how our products work wonders on dry skin. These endorsements and the genuine support from our community have played a crucial role in elevating the ArVeda brand.

Can you share a particularly memorable customer story that highlights the impact of ArVeda products?

One particularly memorable customer story involves a woman named Leatha who bought our hibiscus moisture cream to try on her daughter’s eczema. After trying countless products without success, Leatha decided to give ArVeda a chance. To her amazement, her daughter’s eczema showed significant improvement after using our cream. Leatha shared pictures that truly showed the justice our product did to her daughter’s skin, highlighting the remarkable results. This story underscores the effectiveness of our hibiscus moisture cream and the positive impact ArVeda products can have on people’s lives.



What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received, and how has it influenced your business?

The best piece of advice I’ve ever received came from my grandmother, who always told me, “I was a successful failure; you be just successful.” This simple yet profound wisdom became my mantra, especially when I was starting ArVeda. As a stay-at-home mother, juggling family responsibilities and a budding business seemed daunting at first. But my grandmother’s words gave me the courage to pursue my passion for natural skincare.

I remember the day I decided to turn my kitchen experiments into a real business. I was pressured at my workplace to choose between my daughter and my job, despite my best efforts to meet their expectations. They were not ready to accommodate my situation, and that’s when I decided to flourish ArVeda. It was a leap of faith, inspired by the belief that I could make a difference and create my own rules.

This journey has not only allowed me to build a brand that I’m proud of but also to set an example for other stay-at-home mothers. If you believe in yourself, you can turn your dreams into reality and make yourself proud. Nothing is the end of the world; you can still help the world by being the change you wish to see.

With the small profit I get from ArVeda, I endorse the education of a poor child in India, which adds to my sense of fulfillment and pride. Here’s a picture of my dad giving money for the kid’s education. He was ready to leave education and help his family by being a construction worker. But with small help he will continue his education and fulfill his dream of becoming a charted accountant. 

Hema’s dad giving money for the kid’s education

This advice has influenced every aspect of my business, from the way I approach challenges to how I connect with my customers. It’s a reminder that confidence and determination can turn any vision into success and make a positive impact on the world.

What does success mean to you, both personally and professionally?

Success to me, both personally and professionally, is about making myself proud and productive by helping other mothers care for their families and fight all skin problems with our organic creams and soaps. Knowing that other mothers can trust our products to be pure, organic, and chemical-free fills me with immense pride. I strive to create solutions that keep families away from harmful chemicals, offering them a healthier, more natural alternative.

One of the most fulfilling aspects of my journey with ArVeda is seeing the positive impact it has on people’s lives. Every time I hear a story about how our products have transformed someone’s skin or boosted their confidence, it reaffirms my purpose. But my vision of success extends beyond skincare. With the small profit I earn from ArVeda, I am also able to sponsor the education of children in India. Currently, I support the education of three kids, helping to make their dreams come true. It’s a small start, but I am passionate about expanding this effort and making a difference in the lives of many more children.

I believe that by empowering these children through education, we are planting the seeds for a better future. My dream is that these kids will grow up to achieve great things and, in turn, help others in need, creating a ripple effect of kindness and support.

Success, for me, is not just about business growth or financial gain; it’s about making a tangible difference in the world, one organic product at a time, and inspiring others to do the same. It’s about knowing that through ArVeda, I am helping families live healthier lives and giving children the opportunities they deserve. This blend of personal fulfillment and social impact is what defines true success for me

Who has been your biggest support system throughout your entrepreneurial journey?

My biggest support system throughout my entrepreneurial journey has been my incredible husband, Vivin Rajagopalan, and our wonderful daughter, Veda. Vivin’s unwavering support and encouragement to think outside the box have been invaluable. He has been my rock, always ready to lend a hand when I’m tired from the demands of the market. Despite juggling his own work and our daughter, he goes above and beyond to boost my energy and keep me motivated.

There have been countless late nights and early mornings where his presence has made all the difference. Whether it’s helping me set up at the farmers’ market or offering a shoulder to lean on during challenging times, Vivin’s dedication and love have been my strength. I feel incredibly fortunate to have such a supportive and caring husband, whose belief in me has been a driving force behind ArVeda’s success. His constant support reminds me that I’m never alone on this journey, and together, we can achieve anything.

Our daughter, Veda, has also been a tremendous source of inspiration. It was her skin challenges that led me to create these natural remedies, and her name is the heart of ArVeda. The brand was born from my desire to spread pure, chemical-free products to all, inspired by the love and care I have for Veda. She represents the purity and goodness that ArVeda strives to bring into the world, making every step of this journey even more meaningful.

Hema’s husband and daughter

Instagram link of Arveda page: Link

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